
Josh Shelton

Research Associate (EPSRC Doctoral Prize)
Department of Mathematical Sciences
University of Bath
Google Scholar profile
PhD Thesis


(6)   J. Shelton, P. Trinh  -  A model ODE for the exponential asymptotics of nonlinear parasitic capillary ripples. IMA J. Appl Math. (2024)
(5)   J. Shelton, S. J. Chapman, & P. Trinh  -  Exponential asymptotics for a model problem of an equatorially trapped Rossby wave. SIAP. (2024)
(4)   J. Shelton, P. Milewski, & P. Trinh  -  On the structure of parasitic gravity-capillary standing waves in the small surface tension limit. J. Fluid Mech. (2023)
(3)   J. Shelton & P. Trinh  -  Exponential asymptotics and the generation of free-surface flows by submerged line vortices. J. Fluid Mech. (2023)
(2)   J. Shelton & P. Trinh  -  Exponential asymptotics for steady parasitic capillary ripples on steep gravity waves. J. Fluid Mech. (2022)
(1)   J. Shelton, P. Milewski, & P. Trinh  -  On the structure of steady parasitic gravity-capillary waves in the small surface tension limit. J. Fluid Mech. (2021)


J. Shelton, S. Crew, & P.Trinh  -  Exponential asymptotics and higher-order Stokes phenomenon in singularly perturbed ODEs.
J. Shelton, P. Milewski, & P. Trinh  -  A time-dependent formulation for nonlinear gravity-capillary surface waves with viscosity.
T. Peters, J. Shelton, H. Tang, & P. Trinh  -  An enthalpy-based model for the physics of ice crystal icing.

Last updated: 26th July 2007