Please submit the question marked * to your tutor.
Write a program to implement both the trapezoidal rule and Simpson's rule for an arbitrary function $f$ on an interval $[a,b]$.
def trapezium(a,b,f):
# fill in
# I = ...
return I
def simpson(a,b,f):
# fill in
# I = ...
return I
Test your program on the function $f(x) = x$ and make sure that both rules the trapezoidal rule and Simpson's rule produce the exact value for $\int_a^b x \, dx$ for various $a$ and $b$. Then test your program for $f(x) = x^3$. What do you observe?
f = lambda x:x
f = lambda x:x**3
print(trapezium(0,1,f), simpson(0,1,f))
Write a program to implement the composite trapezoidal rule on a uniform mesh for approximating $\int_a^b f(x) \,dx$. The program should allow the user to input $a$, $b$, $J$ and $f$.
Run your program for $f(x) = \exp(x)$, $a = 0, \; b = 1$, and $J = 4,8,16,32,64 $. Find the exact value of the integral and compute the error in your approximations. Determine experimentally the rate of convergence as $J \rightarrow \infty$.
Explain your results using the theory from lectures.
Repeat for $f(x) = \sqrt{x}$ (the theory for the rate of convergence is significantly more difficult).
import numpy as np
def composite_trapezium(a,b,J,f):
# fill in
# I = ...
return I
Write a function to implement the composite Simpson's rule for approximating $\int_a^b f(x) \,dx$ on a uniform mesh. The program should allow the user to pass in $a$, $b$, $J$ and $f$.
Run your program for $f(x) = \exp(x)$, $a = 0$, $ b = 1$, for $J = 8,16,32,64,128 $. Find the exact value of the integral and compute the error in your approximations. Determine experimentally the rate of convergence as $J \to \infty$.
Repeat for $f(x) = x^3$ and
$f(x) = \sqrt{x}$. Explain your results in each case
using the theory from lectures.
def composite_simpson(a,b,J,f):
# fill in
# I = ...
return I
Consider the integral $\int_1^4 \exp(\frac 12 x^2) \,dx$. Use any method you like (e.g. you could try quad from scipy.integrate) to find the value of this integral correct to 10-decimal places. Approximate this integral using the composite Simpson's rule on a uniform mesh with $J$ subintervals for $J = 8, 16, 32,64,128$. Find the error for each $J$ and estimate the rate of convergence as $J$ increases.
from scipy.integrate import quad
f = lambda x: np.exp(x**2/2)
# look up how quad works ...
Let $Q_{1,\,J}(f)$ be the composite trapezoidal rule applied over $[0,1]$ on the mesh $y_j = jh$, $j = 0, \ldots , J$, where $h=1/J$ and $J\in \mathbb{N}$. This is used to approximate $I(f)=\int_{0}^{1}f(x)\,dx$ as described in lectures.
We show in lectures that $I(f)-Q_{1,\,J}(f)=-\frac 1{12}h^{2} f''(\zeta)$, for some $\zeta\in [0,\,1]$.
A more precise result, based on the Euler-Maclaurin formula, shows that, provided $f$ is sufficiently smooth, there exist $C_{2},\,C_{4},\,C_{6},\,\ldots$, independent of $h$, such that $$ I(f)-Q_{1,\,J}(f)=C_{2}h^{2}+C_{4}h^{4}+C_{6}h^{6}+\cdots. $$
Write down the corresponding expansion for $I(f)-Q_{1,\,(2J)}(f)$.
\item By eliminating $C_{2}$ between the two expansions, find $\theta\in\mathbb{R}$ such that
I(f)-\left(\theta Q_{1,\,J}(f)+(1-\theta)Q_{1,\,2J}(f)\right)
for some $\tilde{C}_{4} \in \mathbb{R},$ which you need not determine.
(b) Find coefficients $a,\,b,\,c\in \mathbb{R}$ such that $$ \theta Q_{1,\,J}(f)+(1-\theta)Q_{1,\,2J}(f) =\sum_{j = 1}^{J}h\left(af(y_{j-1})+bf((y_{j-1} + y_j)/2)+cf(y_j)\right). $$ What is this method? Could you use this idea to generate more accurate rules?