[1] "Created: Wed Jun 25 09:34:12 2014"

Load in the new version of the original data. Load code from previous work.


Set the kernel type to squared exponential and set the inverse width:

kerntype <- "exponential"
wvec <- 2e-4

Use the same class labels as previously.

levels(lcdbi$type) <- c("agn","blazar","cv","flare","sn")

Investigate the range of observation. Compute the date of the first observation:

fd <- sapply(lcdb, function(x) min(x$mjd))
plot(fd, ylab="MJD")

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-5

[1] 63.44 63.44 63.44 63.44 63.44 63.44

MJDs have been offset by 53249 so the actual start date is 53249+63 which is 53255.

Now consider the range of observation:

robv <- sapply(lcdb, function(x) max(x$mjd) - min(fd))
[1] 3500
plot(robv, ylab="Range MJD")

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-6 Upper bound on range of 3501 days looks good for this data.

Create the measurement grouping variable

for(i in 1:length(lcdb)){
    lc <- lcdb[[i]]
    lc$measgrp <- factor(c(0,cumsum(ifelse(diff(lc$mjd) < 1, 0, 1))))
    lcdb[[i]] <- lc

Detection Limit

For each light curve, we compute - proportion of observations with magnitudes greater than 20.5, 21 and 21.5 - the maximum magnitude

dlmat <- matrix(NA,length(lcdb),4)
for(i in 1:length(lcdb)){
    lc <- lcdb[[i]]
    nobs <- nrow(lc)
    dl1 <- sum(lc$mag > 20.5)/nobs
    dl2 <- sum(lc$mag > 21)/nobs
    dl3 <- sum(lc$mag > 21.5)/nobs
    dl4 <- max(lc$mag)
    dlmat[i,] <- c(dl1, dl2, dl3, dl4)
colnames(dlmat) <- c("d20.5","d21","d21.5","min")
dlmat <- data.frame(dlmat)
     d20.5             d21             d21.5              min      
 Min.   :0.0000   Min.   :0.0000   Min.   :0.00000   Min.   :14.6  
 1st Qu.:0.0000   1st Qu.:0.0000   1st Qu.:0.00000   1st Qu.:20.1  
 Median :0.0714   Median :0.0057   Median :0.00000   Median :21.0  
 Mean   :0.1393   Mean   :0.0600   Mean   :0.00256   Mean   :20.6  
 3rd Qu.:0.2345   3rd Qu.:0.0947   3rd Qu.:0.00000   3rd Qu.:21.3  
 Max.   :0.8095   Max.   :0.6000   Max.   :0.20000   Max.   :24.2  

A detection limit of 20.5 as used on the original data seems unreasonable here given the significant proportion of observations that go below this limit.

Now ready to compute the measures (using a detection limit of 21.5)

firstdate <- 63
daterange <- 3501
detection.limit <- 21.5

Compute all the measures

uids <- lcdbi$id
nuids <- length(uids)
statmat <- NULL
types <- NULL
ids <- NULL
for(i in 1:nuids){
  olc <- lcdb[[i]]
  type <- as.character(lcdbi$type[i])
  id <- as.character(lcdbi$id[i])
  aa <- lcstats(olc,GPR,kerntype,wvec,daterange=daterange,firstdate=firstdate,detection.limit=detection.limit)
  if(is.na(aa[1])) next
  statmat <- rbind(statmat,aa)
  types <- c(types,type)
  ids <- c(ids,id)
colnames(statmat) <- c("meds", "iqr","shov", "maxdiff", "dscore","wander", "moveloc","nobs", "totvar", "quadvar", "famp", "fslope","trend",
"outl", "skewres", "std", "shapwilk", "lsd", "gscore", "mdev", "gtvar", "rm.amplitude", "rm.mean",
"rm.stddev", "rm.beyond1std", "rm.fpr20", "rm.fpr35", "rm.fpr50",
"rm.fpr65", "rm.fpr80", "rm.lintrend", "rm.maxslope", "rm.mad",
"rm.medbuf", "rm.pairslope", "rm.peramp", "rm.pdfp", "rm.skew",
"rm.kurtosis", "rm.std", "rm.rcorbor")
cmdb <- data.frame(statmat,type=types,id=ids,row.names=ids)
cmdb$lsd[is.na(cmdb$lsd) | is.infinite(cmdb$lsd)] <- min(cmdb$lsd[!is.infinite(cmdb$lsd)],na.rm=TRUE)-1
cmdb$fslope[is.infinite(cmdb$fslope)] <- 1
cmdb$wander <- NULL
cmdb$moveloc <- NULL
      meds           iqr             shov           maxdiff     
 Min.   :13.5   Min.   :0.040   Min.   :0.0564   Min.   :0.287  
 1st Qu.:18.4   1st Qu.:0.598   1st Qu.:0.3267   1st Qu.:1.556  
 Median :19.2   Median :0.825   Median :0.4503   Median :2.149  
 Mean   :19.0   Mean   :1.010   Mean   :0.4643   Mean   :2.488  
 3rd Qu.:19.9   3rd Qu.:1.232   3rd Qu.:0.5649   3rd Qu.:3.187  
 Max.   :21.1   Max.   :5.454   Max.   :1.5393   Max.   :7.074  
     dscore            nobs         totvar          quadvar      
 Min.   :0.0000   Min.   :  5   Min.   :0.0013   Min.   :0.0000  
 1st Qu.:0.0598   1st Qu.: 20   1st Qu.:0.0262   1st Qu.:0.0023  
 Median :0.0915   Median : 61   Median :0.0389   Median :0.0046  
 Mean   :0.0932   Mean   :127   Mean   :0.0597   Mean   :0.0171  
 3rd Qu.:0.1208   3rd Qu.:233   3rd Qu.:0.0706   3rd Qu.:0.0142  
 Max.   :0.2960   Max.   :550   Max.   :0.8649   Max.   :1.7567  
      famp           fslope          trend                outl      
 Min.   : 0.19   Min.   :0.015   Min.   :-7.27e-04   Min.   : 1.10  
 1st Qu.: 1.74   1st Qu.:0.177   1st Qu.:-6.42e-05   1st Qu.: 2.21  
 Median : 2.55   Median :0.288   Median : 1.06e-05   Median : 2.84  
 Mean   : 3.28   Mean   :0.391   Mean   : 6.50e-06   Mean   : 3.21  
 3rd Qu.: 4.09   3rd Qu.:0.502   3rd Qu.: 7.60e-05   3rd Qu.: 3.69  
 Max.   :41.15   Max.   :4.961   Max.   : 7.39e-04   Max.   :14.46  
    skewres            std            shapwilk          lsd        
 Min.   :-3.131   Min.   :0.0339   Min.   :0.387   Min.   :-3.479  
 1st Qu.:-0.480   1st Qu.:0.2808   1st Qu.:0.902   1st Qu.:-1.738  
 Median :-0.127   Median :0.3870   Median :0.952   Median :-1.268  
 Mean   :-0.014   Mean   :0.4329   Mean   :0.925   Mean   :-1.392  
 3rd Qu.: 0.307   3rd Qu.:0.5112   3rd Qu.:0.976   3rd Qu.:-0.979  
 Max.   : 8.590   Max.   :1.8424   Max.   :0.997   Max.   :-0.239  
     gscore            mdev           gtvar         rm.amplitude 
 Min.   :0.0000   Min.   :0.042   Min.   :  0.06   Min.   :0.16  
 1st Qu.:0.0738   1st Qu.:0.410   1st Qu.:  5.36   1st Qu.:1.22  
 Median :0.1541   Median :0.694   Median : 14.70   Median :1.52  
 Mean   :0.1583   Mean   :0.734   Mean   : 22.05   Mean   :1.68  
 3rd Qu.:0.2451   3rd Qu.:0.993   3rd Qu.: 30.32   3rd Qu.:2.09  
 Max.   :0.3959   Max.   :3.960   Max.   :163.52   Max.   :4.05  
    rm.mean           rm.stddev        rm.beyond1std       rm.fpr20     
 Min.   :5.00e-09   Min.   :2.20e-09   Min.   :0.0209   Min.   :0.0008  
 1st Qu.:1.50e-08   1st Qu.:8.80e-09   1st Qu.:0.2041   1st Qu.:0.0730  
 Median :3.00e-08   Median :1.90e-08   Median :0.2902   Median :0.1301  
 Mean   :7.80e-08   Mean   :9.10e-08   Mean   :0.2845   Mean   :0.1527  
 3rd Qu.:6.90e-08   3rd Qu.:6.63e-08   3rd Qu.:0.3582   3rd Qu.:0.1894  
 Max.   :4.67e-06   Max.   :2.76e-06   Max.   :0.6364   Max.   :0.8947  
    rm.fpr35         rm.fpr50         rm.fpr65         rm.fpr80     
 Min.   :0.0019   Min.   :0.0031   Min.   :0.0063   Min.   :0.0217  
 1st Qu.:0.1570   1st Qu.:0.2669   1st Qu.:0.4354   1st Qu.:0.6912  
 Median :0.2522   Median :0.3982   Median :0.5776   Median :0.8035  
 Mean   :0.2688   Mean   :0.3983   Mean   :0.5528   Mean   :0.7519  
 3rd Qu.:0.3529   3rd Qu.:0.5245   3rd Qu.:0.7237   3rd Qu.:0.9000  
 Max.   :0.9576   Max.   :0.9719   Max.   :0.9842   Max.   :0.9956  
  rm.lintrend        rm.maxslope        rm.mad         rm.medbuf    
 Min.   :-0.09171   Min.   :  1.2   Min.   :0.0225   Min.   :0.389  
 1st Qu.:-0.00015   1st Qu.: 14.8   1st Qu.:0.2774   1st Qu.:0.914  
 Median : 0.00003   Median : 26.2   Median :0.3894   Median :0.994  
 Mean   : 0.00261   Mean   : 28.7   Mean   :0.4446   Mean   :0.942  
 3rd Qu.: 0.00041   3rd Qu.: 38.9   3rd Qu.:0.5507   3rd Qu.:1.000  
 Max.   : 0.20396   Max.   :456.0   Max.   :2.0051   Max.   :1.000  
  rm.pairslope     rm.peramp        rm.pdfp          rm.skew      
 Min.   :0.143   Min.   :  0.2   Min.   :  0.14   Min.   :-9.391  
 1st Qu.:0.467   1st Qu.:  1.1   1st Qu.:  1.34   1st Qu.:-0.855  
 Median :0.500   Median :  2.6   Median :  1.86   Median : 0.002  
 Mean   :0.516   Mean   : 14.3   Mean   :  6.48   Mean   :-0.300  
 3rd Qu.:0.567   3rd Qu.:  8.8   3rd Qu.:  3.78   3rd Qu.: 0.559  
 Max.   :1.000   Max.   :852.1   Max.   :264.48   Max.   : 2.920  
  rm.kurtosis         rm.std        rm.rcorbor         type    
 Min.   :  0.78   Min.   :0.113   Min.   :0.0000   agn   :139  
 1st Qu.:  1.91   1st Qu.:0.557   1st Qu.:0.0000   blazar:124  
 Median :  2.68   Median :0.730   Median :0.0000   cv    :458  
 Mean   :  4.87   Mean   :0.819   Mean   :0.0423   flare : 64  
 3rd Qu.:  4.46   3rd Qu.:1.011   3rd Qu.:0.0438   sn    :533  
 Max.   :118.19   Max.   :2.886   Max.   :0.4815               
 1001081010294126339:   1  
 1001081010294129406:   1  
 1001081010444113640:   1  
 1001081090174129448:   1  
 1001081090204115993:   1  
 1001121150154120180:   1  
 (Other)            :1312  

Plots of the measures

mnames <- names(cmdb)
for(i in 1:(ncol(cmdb)-2)){
    vname <- mnames[i]
    tranf <- functran[[match(vname,names(functran))]]
    y <- sapply(cmdb[,i], tranf)
    ylab <- ifelse(tranf=="identity",mnames[i],paste0(tranf,"(",mnames[i],")"))
    plot(cmdb[,i] ~ cmdb$type, ylab=ylab, xlab="Type")

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-12plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-12plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-12plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-12plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-12plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-12plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-12plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-12plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-12plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-12plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-12plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-12plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-12plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-12plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-12plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-12plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-12plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-12plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-12plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-12plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-12plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-12plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-12plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-12plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-12plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-12plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-12plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-12plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-12plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-12plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-12plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-12plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-12plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-12plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-12plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-12plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-12plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-12plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-12

cmd5 <- cmdb