[1] "Created: Wed Apr  1 16:35:44 2015"

See the introduction for an overview.


Load in and plot the data:

data(abrasion, package="faraway")
   run position material wear
1    1        1        C  235
2    1        2        D  236
3    1        3        B  218
4    1        4        A  268
5    2        1        A  251
6    2        2        B  241
7    2        3        D  227
8    2        4        C  229
9    3        1        D  234
10   3        2        C  273
11   3        3        A  274
12   3        4        B  226
13   4        1        B  195
14   4        2        A  270
15   4        3        C  230
16   4        4        D  225
ggplot(abrasion,aes(x=material, y=wear, shape=run, color=position))+geom_point(position = position_jitter(width=0.1, height=0.0))

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-3

Fit the model

mmod <- lmer(wear ~ material + (1|run) + (1|position), abrasion)
Linear mixed model fit by REML ['lmerMod']
Formula: wear ~ material + (1 | run) + (1 | position)
   Data: abrasion

REML criterion at convergence: 100.3

Scaled residuals: 
   Min     1Q Median     3Q    Max 
-1.090 -0.302  0.027  0.422  1.210 

Random effects:
 Groups   Name        Variance Std.Dev.
 run      (Intercept)  66.9     8.18   
 position (Intercept) 107.1    10.35   
 Residual              61.3     7.83   
Number of obs: 16, groups:  run, 4; position, 4

Fixed effects:
            Estimate Std. Error t value
(Intercept)   265.75       7.67    34.7
materialB     -45.75       5.53    -8.3
materialC     -24.00       5.53    -4.3
materialD     -35.25       5.53    -6.4
Analysis of Variance Table
         Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value
material  3   4621    1540    25.1

No inferential output is provided (as expected)

Construct confidence intervals using the parametric bootstrap:

confint(mmod, method="boot")
                           2.5 %  97.5 %
sd_(Intercept)|run        0.0000  16.418
sd_(Intercept)|position   0.0000  19.511
sigma                     3.6584  11.830
(Intercept)             251.0119 281.808
materialB               -57.7385 -35.538
materialC               -34.5255 -12.980
materialD               -45.4872 -24.729

pbkrtest package

We can apply the Kenward-Roger adjustment to test the fixed effect like this:

mmod <- lmer(wear ~ material + (1|run) + (1|position), abrasion,REML=FALSE)
nmod <- lmer(wear ~ 1+ (1|run) + (1|position), abrasion,REML=FALSE)
KRmodcomp(mmod, nmod)
F-test with Kenward-Roger approximation; computing time: 0.16 sec.
large : wear ~ material + (1 | run) + (1 | position)
small : wear ~ 1 + (1 | run) + (1 | position)
      stat  ndf  ddf F.scaling p.value
Ftest 25.1  3.0  6.0         1 0.00085

We see strong evidence of a difference between materials.

RLRsim package

The RLRsim package cannot be used here as there is more than one random effect. We can implement the parametric bootstrap directly to test whether there is any variance in the runs (for example)

First we compute the observed LRT statistic

rmod <- lmer(wear ~ material + (1|position), abrasion,REML=FALSE)
(olrt <- 2*(logLik(mmod)-logLik(rmod)))
'log Lik.' 5.4164 (df=7)

Now we resample 1000 times:

lrstat <- numeric(1000)
for(i in 1:1000){
rwear <- unlist(simulate(rmod))
bmod <- refit(mmod,rwear)
smod <- refit(rmod,rwear)
lrstat[i] <- 2*(logLik(bmod)-logLik(smod))
mean(lrstat > olrt)
[1] 0.036

This gives a p-value close to 0.05 so we might run this a lot more bootstrap samples if we cared deeply about this hypothesis test.

lmerTest package

mmod <- lmer(wear ~ material + (1|run) + (1|position), abrasion,REML=FALSE)
Linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood t-tests use Satterthwaite
  approximations to degrees of freedom [merModLmerTest]
Formula: wear ~ material + (1 | run) + (1 | position)
   Data: abrasion

     AIC      BIC   logLik deviance df.resid 
   134.3    139.7    -60.2    120.3        9 

Scaled residuals: 
    Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
-1.3040 -0.3777  0.0011  0.5490  1.4368 

Random effects:
 Groups   Name        Variance Std.Dev.
 run      (Intercept) 61.4     7.84    
 position (Intercept) 91.1     9.54    
 Residual             41.1     6.41    
Number of obs: 16, groups:  run, 4; position, 4

Fixed effects:
            Estimate Std. Error     df t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept)   265.75       6.96   8.52   38.20  7.9e-11
materialB     -45.75       4.53   8.87  -10.09  3.7e-06
materialC     -24.00       4.53   8.87   -5.29  0.00052
materialD     -35.25       4.53   8.87   -7.77  3.0e-05
Analysis of Variance Table of type 3  with  Satterthwaite 
approximation for degrees of freedom
         Sum Sq Mean Sq NumDF DenDF F.value  Pr(>F)
material   4621    1540     3  8.87    37.5 2.3e-05

We prefer the Kenward-Rogers (seen above) to the Satterthwaite adjustment shown here.

Can test the random effects:

Analysis of Random effects Table:
         Chi.sq Chi.DF p.value
run        3.05      1    0.08
position   4.59      1    0.03

but we prefer the parametric bootstrap result because of problems with asymptotic distribution of the LRT in such cases.

May also be useful to have the pairwise difference of the fixed effects:

Differences of LSMEANS:
               Estimate Standard Error    DF t-value Lower CI Upper CI
material A - B     45.8           4.53   8.9   10.09   35.469   56.031
material A - C     24.0           4.53   8.9    5.29   13.719   34.281
material A - D     35.2           4.53   8.9    7.77   24.969   45.531
material B - C    -21.8           4.53   8.9   -4.80  -32.031  -11.469
material B - D    -10.5           4.53   8.9   -2.32  -20.781   -0.219
material C - D     11.2           4.53   8.9    2.48    0.969   21.531
material A - B  <2e-16
material A - C   5e-04
material A - D  <2e-16
material B - C   0.001
material B - D   0.046
material C - D   0.035

All pairwise difference appear significant.


We use the expanded prior for the reasons established in our one random effect example. In contrast to the previous nested example the labeling of the factors already indicates a crossed design for the random effects.

eprior <- list(R=list(V=1,nu=0.02),G=list(G1=list(V=1,nu=0.02,alpha.V=1000),G2=list(V=1,nu=0.02,alpha.V=1000)))
bmod <- MCMCglmm(wear ~ material,random=~run+position,data=abrasion,verbose=FALSE,prior=eprior,pr=TRUE)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-12

The diagnostics are satisfactory - can also check the fixed effect terms and autocorrelations.


 Iterations = 3001:12991
 Thinning interval  = 10
 Sample size  = 1000 

 DIC: 124.95 

 G-structure:  ~run

    post.mean l-95% CI u-95% CI eff.samp
run       176 4.76e-05      639     1000


         post.mean l-95% CI u-95% CI eff.samp
position       300  0.00213      912     1000

 R-structure:  ~units

      post.mean l-95% CI u-95% CI eff.samp
units       122     18.8      322      825

 Location effects: wear ~ material 

            post.mean l-95% CI u-95% CI eff.samp  pMCMC
(Intercept)    265.35   242.46   290.82     1000 <0.001
materialB      -45.71   -63.88   -30.85     1000  0.002
materialC      -23.93   -39.98    -8.55     1000  0.016
materialD      -35.35   -51.61   -20.44     1127 <0.001

There is strong evidence of differences between the materials. The credible intervals for the variance components for run and position are quite wide so we are less sure about these effects.

We can view the posterior distributions for the SDs corresponding to the three components of variation:

ref <- data.frame(bmod$VCV)
rdf <- melt(ref, value.name="wear")
ggplot(rdf, aes(x=sqrt(wear),color=variable))+geom_density()

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-14

We see that the error SD distribution is more compact. We see that run and position variances could be quite small or relatively much larger. It is not surprising that we cannot narrow these down more as we have only four runs and four positions.

We can examine the posterior distributions for the material contrasts:

ref <- data.frame(bmod$Sol[,2:4])
colnames(ref) <- c("B-A","C-A","D-A")
rdf <- melt(ref, value.name="wear", variable.name="material")
ggplot(rdf, aes(x=wear, color=material))+geom_density()

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-15

We see that B, C, and D all show clearly less wear than A because all three difference distributions are concentrated well-below zero. B appears best in showing least wear but we are not sure that it is better than D. There is not much overlap between B and C. However, we would need to plot these contrasts to be certain about this.

We can also plot the posteriors for the random effects:

ref <- data.frame(bmod$Sol[,5:8])
rdf <- melt(ref, value.name="wear", variable.name="run")
ggplot(rdf, aes(x=wear, color=run))+geom_density()

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-16

We can see our previous uncertainty about whether there really is a difference between the runs expressed in the overlapping posterior distributions.

Check on versions of R packages used:

R version 3.1.1 (2014-07-10)
Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin13.1.0 (64-bit)

[1] en_GB.UTF-8/en_GB.UTF-8/en_GB.UTF-8/C/en_GB.UTF-8/en_GB.UTF-8

attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     

other attached packages:
 [1] reshape2_1.2.2   MCMCglmm_2.21    ape_3.1-4        coda_0.16-1     
 [5] lattice_0.20-29  lmerTest_2.0-20  pbkrtest_0.4-1   MASS_7.3-33     
 [9] ggplot2_0.9.3.1  lme4_1.1-7       Rcpp_0.11.3      Matrix_1.1-4    
[13] knitr_1.6        rmarkdown_0.2.68

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
 [1] bitops_1.0-6        boot_1.3-11         caTools_1.16       
 [4] cluster_1.15.2      colorspace_1.2-4    corpcor_1.6.7      
 [7] dichromat_2.0-0     digest_0.6.4        evaluate_0.5.3     
[10] formatR_0.10        Formula_1.1-1       gdata_2.13.3       
[13] gplots_2.13.0       grid_3.1.1          gtable_0.1.2       
[16] gtools_3.3.1        Hmisc_3.14-3        htmltools_0.2.4    
[19] KernSmooth_2.23-12  labeling_0.2        latticeExtra_0.6-26
[22] minqa_1.2.3         munsell_0.4.2       nlme_3.1-117       
[25] nloptr_1.0.4        numDeriv_2012.9-1   parallel_3.1.1     
[28] plyr_1.8.1          proto_0.3-10        RColorBrewer_1.0-5 
[31] scales_0.2.3        splines_3.1.1       stringr_0.6.2      
[34] survival_2.37-7     tensorA_0.36        tools_3.1.1        
[37] yaml_2.1.11