First read in the response data:
The first observation is
## [1] 129.6 129.1 129.2 129.7 130.8 132.4 134.5 136.9 139.5 142.4 145.8
## [12] 148.6 150.9 153.6 156.5 158.5 159.8 160.5 160.8 161.0 161.1 161.2
## [23] 161.3 161.6 161.8
Now read in the R functions that we will use
Generate the response as 20 point equally spaced smoothing spline approximations to the raw data:
y <- matrix(NA, 20, 60)
for (ifno in 1:60) y[, ifno] <- roughapp(relb[[ifno]])
We now construct a plot of the smoothed curves (Fig. 1 in the paper). First I construct a matrix indexing the locations:
trialindex <- matrix(0, 20, 3)
k <- 1
for (i in levels(targs$loc)) {
trialindex[k, ] <- (1:60)[targs$loc == i]
k <- k + 1
trialindex[1:5, ]
## [,1] [,2] [,3]
## [1,] 5 7 11
## [2,] 47 48 58
## [3,] 6 8 16
## [4,] 2 26 34
## [5,] 50 52 54
and now make the plot:
yr <- range(y)
par(mfrow = c(5, 4), mai = rep(0.1, 4), omi = c(0.3, 0.3, 0, 0), mgp = c(1.5,
0.5, 0), tck = -0.01)
for (i in 1:20) {
plot(seq(0, 1, len = 20), y[, trialindex[i, 1]], type = "l", ylim = yr,
xlab = "", ylab = "")
lines(seq(0, 1, len = 20), y[, trialindex[i, 2]], col = 2)
lines(seq(0, 1, len = 20), y[, trialindex[i, 3]], col = 3)
text(0.3, yr[2], as.character(targs$loc[trialindex[i, 1]]))
Leave out obs. 37 because it is extreme:
y <- y[, -37]
Now compute the X-matrices and fit the models. The one way anova model:
xc <- model.matrix(~targs$loc)
xc <- xc[-37, ]
gc <- freg(xc, y)
The linear model:
xl <- model.matrix(~as.matrix(targs[, 3:5]))
xl <- xl[-37, ]
gl <- freg(xl, y)
The quadratic model (rescale the co-ordinates for numerical accuracy)
x <- targs[, -(1:2)]
x <- x/100
xq <- cbind(rep(1, 60), x, x[, 1]^2, x[, 2]^2, x[, 3]^2, x[, 1] * x[, 2], x[,
2] * x[, 3], x[, 3] * x[, 1])
xq <- xq[-37, ]
gq <- freg(xq, y)
We may now make a plot of the fitted curves for these three models
as in Figure 2 of the paper:
par(mfrow = c(5, 4), mai = rep(0.1, 4), omi = c(0.3, 0.3, 0, 0), mgp = c(1.5,
0.5, 0), tck = -0.01)
yr <- range(y)
for (i in 1:20) {
j <- trialindex[i, 1]
if (j > 37)
j <- j - 1
z <- cbind(gc$pred[, j], gq$pred[, j], gl$pred[, j])
matplot(seq(0, 1, len = 20), z, type = "l", ylim = yr, lty = c(1, 2, 5),
xlab = "", ylab = "")
text(0.3, yr[2], as.character(targs$loc[j]))
We can test the hypotheses in the paper as follows.
First compare the linear model to the one way anova model
bd <- bsfttr(gl, gc, xl, xc, B = 200)
## [1] 756.8
## [1] 823.1
The observed test statistic is larger than all the bootstrapped test
statistics so our estimated p-value is 0 i.e. we reject the null
hypothesis that the linear model is adequate. The same result is found
when using the test based on the assumption of a Gaussian stochastic process.
Now compare the quadratic model to the one way anova model. The bootstrap test:
bd <- bsfttr(gq, gc, xq, xc, B = 200)
length((1:200)[bd[-1] > bd[1]])/200
## [1] 0.365
The Gaussian based test
nd <- ntfttr(gq, gc, xq, xc, B = 200)
length((1:200)[nd[-1] > nd[1]])/200
## [1] 0.345
So there is no evidence to reject the quadratic model.
The residual plot in Figure 3 is constructed as follows. The m.l.e of the covariance is
sloe <- eigen(gq$res %*% t(gq$res)/gq$n)
Now construct the plot:
par(mfrow = c(2, 2), mar = c(0, 2, 0, 0))
yr <- range(sloe$vec[, 1:4])
for (i in 1:4) {
plot((1:20)/20, sloe$vec[, i], type = "l", ylim = yr, ylab = "", xlab = "")
abline(0, 0, lty = 5)
text(0.5, 0.4, as.character(round(sloe$val[i], 1)))
A new point for which a predicted curve is constructed with
simultaneous confidence - somewhere between the glove and radio.
i <- (targs[, 2] == "glove") + (targs[, 2] == "radio")
i <- as.logical(i)
x0 <- apply(targs[i, 3:5], 2, mean)
x0 <- x0/100
x0 <- c(1, x0, x0^2, x0[1] * x0[2], x0[2] * x0[3], x0[3] * x0[1])
## x y z x y z x y
## 1.0000 2.2003 3.5161 -0.7038 4.8414 12.3631 0.4953 7.7366 -2.4746
## z
## -1.5485
And now the bootstrapping:
bsp <- predfreg(xq, y, x0)
bss <- sort(bsp$bstat)
We want 95th percentile for 95% confidence bands:
## [1] 2.332
Compare this with the t-based value:
qt(0.975, 49)
## [1] 2.01
95% confidence bands for the mean response and a new observation
are constructed as in Figure 4 of the paper.
The predicted response is
ypred <- bsp$pred
The standard error for the mean response is sef * sqrt(xxxx)
and for the new observation it is sef * sqrt(1+xxxx).
xxxx <- bsp$sx^2
sef <- bsp$sef
xp <- cbind(ypred, ypred - 2.29 * sef * sqrt(xxxx), ypred + 2.29 * sef * sqrt(xxxx),
ypred - 2.29 * sef * sqrt(1 + xxxx), ypred + 2.29 * sef * sqrt(1 + xxxx))
par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
matplot(seq(0, 1, len = 20), xp, type = "l", lty = c(1, 2, 2, 3, 3), xlab = "Motion",
ylab = "Degrees", col = c(1, 2, 2, 3, 3))
We may also calculate the R2^ for the 3 models
nmr <- 58 * apply(y, 1, var)
tf <- function(x) sum(x^2)
For the one-way anova model
cmr <- apply(gc$res, 1, tf)
1 - cmr/nmr
## [1] 0.6738 0.7226 0.7381 0.7390 0.7375 0.7481 0.7710 0.7943 0.8211 0.8463
## [11] 0.8658 0.8812 0.8959 0.9099 0.9221 0.9330 0.9399 0.9454 0.9506 0.9534
mean(1 - cmr/nmr)
## [1] 0.8395
For the linear model
lmr <- apply(gl$res, 1, tf)
1 - lmr/nmr
## [1] 0.4642 0.5298 0.5619 0.5761 0.5858 0.6108 0.6532 0.6960 0.7353 0.7717
## [11] 0.7933 0.8016 0.7980 0.7889 0.7779 0.7619 0.7370 0.7118 0.6900 0.6693
mean(1 - lmr/nmr)
## [1] 0.6857
For the quadratic model
qmr <- apply(gq$res, 1, tf)
1 - qmr/nmr
## [1] 0.6184 0.6712 0.6887 0.6917 0.6930 0.7063 0.7333 0.7622 0.7902 0.8203
## [11] 0.8451 0.8643 0.8795 0.8922 0.9027 0.9107 0.9126 0.9133 0.9149 0.9145
mean(1 - qmr/nmr)
## [1] 0.8062
As mentioned in the paper, the R2 does increase towards the end of the motion.