Instructions on the installation and use of Face viewer

  1. Program works only under a Windows operating system.
  2. Download the zip file. Save the file rather than opening it when asked by the dialog.
  3. Unzip the zip file. Please note that some institutional computing systems block the user from downloading or unzipping zip files. If this applies, you'll need to ask your computer systems administrator for help.
  4. Look inside the folder and read the README file. The program works by pressing certain keys - you need to know these in order for it to work.
  5. Click on the "face" program to start the viewer. A window that shows the markers will pop up. Press the keys described in the README to make it move. No actual face will appear although you should be able to recognize the outlines of a face from the markers.
  6. The other files in the folder are necessary for the program to work and should not be removed by the user.