This report was automatically generated with the R package knitr (version 1.5).

data(coagulation, package = "faraway")
   coag diet
1    62    A
2    60    A
3    63    A
4    59    A
5    63    B
6    67    B
7    71    B
8    64    B
9    65    B
10   66    B
11   68    C
12   66    C
13   71    C
14   67    C
15   68    C
16   68    C
17   56    D
18   62    D
19   60    D
20   61    D
21   63    D
22   64    D
23   63    D
24   59    D
plot(coag ~ diet, coagulation, ylab = "coagulation time")

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1

stripchart(coag ~ diet, coagulation, vertical = TRUE, method = "stack", xlab = "diet", 
    ylab = "coagulation time")

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1

lmod <- lm(coag ~ diet, coagulation)
            Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 6.10e+01   1.18e+00   51.55  < 2e-16
dietB       5.00e+00   1.53e+00    3.27  0.00380
dietC       7.00e+00   1.53e+00    4.58  0.00018
dietD       2.99e-15   1.45e+00    0.00  1.00000

n = 24, p = 4, Residual SE = 2.37, R-Squared = 0.67
round(coef(lmod), 1)
(Intercept)       dietB       dietC       dietD 
         61           5           7           0 
   (Intercept) dietB dietC dietD
1            1     0     0     0
2            1     0     0     0
3            1     0     0     0
4            1     0     0     0
5            1     1     0     0
6            1     1     0     0
7            1     1     0     0
8            1     1     0     0
9            1     1     0     0
10           1     1     0     0
11           1     0     1     0
12           1     0     1     0
13           1     0     1     0
14           1     0     1     0
15           1     0     1     0
16           1     0     1     0
17           1     0     0     1
18           1     0     0     1
19           1     0     0     1
20           1     0     0     1
21           1     0     0     1
22           1     0     0     1
23           1     0     0     1
24           1     0     0     1
[1] 0 1 1 1
[1] "contr.treatment"
Analysis of Variance Table

Response: coag
          Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value  Pr(>F)
diet       3    228    76.0    13.6 4.7e-05
Residuals 20    112     5.6                
lmodi <- lm(coag ~ diet - 1, coagulation)
      Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
dietA   61.000      1.183    51.5   <2e-16
dietB   66.000      0.966    68.3   <2e-16
dietC   68.000      0.966    70.4   <2e-16
dietD   61.000      0.837    72.9   <2e-16

n = 24, p = 4, Residual SE = 2.37, R-Squared = 1
lmnull <- lm(coag ~ 1, coagulation)
anova(lmnull, lmodi)
Analysis of Variance Table

Model 1: coag ~ 1
Model 2: coag ~ diet - 1
  Res.Df RSS Df Sum of Sq    F  Pr(>F)
1     23 340                          
2     20 112  3       228 13.6 4.7e-05
options(contrasts = c("contr.sum", "contr.poly"))
lmods <- lm(coag ~ diet, coagulation)
            Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept)   64.000      0.498  128.54  < 2e-16
diet1         -3.000      0.974   -3.08  0.00589
diet2          2.000      0.845    2.37  0.02819
diet3          4.000      0.845    4.73  0.00013

n = 24, p = 4, Residual SE = 2.37, R-Squared = 0.67

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1

plot(jitter(fitted(lmod)), residuals(lmod), xlab = "Fitted", ylab = "Residuals")
abline(h = 0)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1

med <- with(coagulation, tapply(coag, diet, median))
ar <- with(coagulation, abs(coag - med[diet]))
anova(lm(ar ~ diet, coagulation))
Analysis of Variance Table

Response: ar
          Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
diet       3    4.3    1.44    0.65   0.59
Residuals 20   44.5    2.23               
bartlett.test(coag ~ diet, coagulation)

    Bartlett test of homogeneity of variances

data:  coag by diet
Bartlett's K-squared = 1.668, df = 3, p-value = 0.6441
5 + c(-1, 1) * qt(0.975, 24 - 4) * 1.53
[1] 1.808 8.192
se <- summary(lmod)$sigma
5 + c(-1, 1) * qtukey(0.95, 4, 24 - 4)/sqrt(2) * se * sqrt(1/4 + 1/6)
[1] 0.7246 9.2754
(tci <- TukeyHSD(aov(coag ~ diet, coagulation)))
  Tukey multiple comparisons of means
    95% family-wise confidence level

Fit: aov(formula = coag ~ diet, data = coagulation)

    diff      lwr    upr  p adj
B-A    5   0.7246  9.275 0.0183
C-A    7   2.7246 11.275 0.0010
D-A    0  -4.0560  4.056 1.0000
C-B    2  -1.8241  5.824 0.4766
D-B   -5  -8.5771 -1.423 0.0044
D-C   -7 -10.5771 -3.423 0.0001

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1

data(jsp, package = "faraway")
jsp$mathcent <- jsp$math - mean(jsp$math)
ggplot(aes(x = school, y = mathcent), data = jsp) + geom_boxplot() + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90)) + 
    ylab("Centered Math Scores")

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1

lmod <- lm(mathcent ~ school - 1, jsp)
         Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
school1   -3.3685     0.7686   -4.38  1.2e-05
school2    0.6714     1.2287    0.55  0.58481
school3    2.2964     1.0641    2.16  0.03099
school4   -2.6619     0.8688   -3.06  0.00220
school5    1.8320     0.8092    2.26  0.02364
school6    0.2381     0.9517    0.25  0.80249
school7    1.7227     1.1805    1.46  0.14459
school8    0.5909     0.7904    0.75  0.45472
school9    2.2458     0.9144    2.46  0.01410
school10  -1.2453     1.5048   -0.83  0.40802
school11  -0.4619     1.2461   -0.37  0.71089
school12   0.2082     0.8401    0.25  0.80429
school13  -1.6474     0.8875   -1.86  0.06351
school14  -3.2898     1.1243   -2.93  0.00346
school15  -0.4921     1.0127   -0.49  0.62702
school16  -3.7374     1.0127   -3.69  0.00023
school17   1.0881     1.6485    0.66  0.50927
school18  -0.8619     0.9941   -0.87  0.38597
school19   1.6108     1.1114    1.45  0.14734
school20  -0.2095     1.1376   -0.18  0.85386
school21  -3.6185     0.7686   -4.71  2.6e-06
school22  -1.7271     1.0870   -1.59  0.11217
school23  -0.8171     0.9680   -0.84  0.39868
school24   2.6238     0.9288    2.82  0.00476
school25   1.4232     1.0753    1.32  0.18578
school26   0.4919     0.8347    0.59  0.55570
school27  -2.3058     0.8629   -2.67  0.00757
school28  -5.8286     1.0641   -5.48  4.6e-08
school29   0.2090     0.9363    0.22  0.82334
school30   0.2392     0.7728    0.31  0.75698
school31   3.8241     0.7127    5.37  8.6e-08
school32  -0.0268     0.8570   -0.03  0.97506
school33   1.0633     0.6441    1.65  0.09889
school34   1.9359     0.7686    2.52  0.01183
school35   1.9041     1.0127    1.88  0.06016
school36   2.3605     0.7815    3.02  0.00254
school37   1.7618     0.9598    1.84  0.06651
school38  -1.6106     1.1805   -1.36  0.17255
school39  -1.4842     1.0990   -1.35  0.17696
school40  -4.9855     1.2643   -3.94  8.2e-05
school41   0.8809     1.2461    0.71  0.47966
school42  -0.3261     0.6441   -0.51  0.61275
school44   0.5881     1.8431    0.32  0.74969
school45  -4.6392     1.1114   -4.17  3.1e-05
school46   3.0636     1.0323    2.97  0.00302
school47   2.3969     0.7300    3.28  0.00104
school48   0.2119     0.5136    0.41  0.68003
school49   2.7964     0.8688    3.22  0.00130
school50  -2.6520     0.7336   -3.62  0.00030

n = 3236, p = 49, Residual SE = 7.37, R-Squared = 0.08
anova(lm(mathcent ~ school, jsp))
Analysis of Variance Table

Response: mathcent
            Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
school      48  15484     323    5.94 <2e-16
Residuals 3187 173212      54               
pvals <- summary(lmod)$coef[, 4]
padj <- p.adjust(pvals, method = "bonferroni")
coef(lmod)[padj < 0.05]
 school1 school16 school21 school28 school31 school40 school45 school50 
  -3.368   -3.737   -3.618   -5.829    3.824   -4.985   -4.639   -2.652 
names(which(sort(pvals) < (1:49) * 0.05/49))
 [1] "school28" "school31" "school21" "school1"  "school45" "school40"
 [7] "school16" "school50" "school47" "school49" "school4"  "school36"
[13] "school46" "school14" "school24" "school27" "school34" "school9" 
padj <- p.adjust(pvals, method = "fdr")
coef(lmod)[padj < 0.05]
 school1  school4  school9 school14 school16 school21 school24 school27 
  -3.368   -2.662    2.246   -3.290   -3.737   -3.618    2.624   -2.306 
school28 school31 school34 school36 school40 school45 school46 school47 
  -5.829    3.824    1.936    2.361   -4.985   -4.639    3.064    2.397 
school49 school50 
   2.796   -2.652 

The R session information (including the OS info, R version and all packages used):

R version 3.1.0 (2014-04-10)
Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin13.1.0 (64-bit)

[1] en_GB.UTF-8/en_GB.UTF-8/en_GB.UTF-8/C/en_GB.UTF-8/en_GB.UTF-8

attached base packages:
[1] graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   stats     base     

other attached packages:
[1] faraway_1.0.6   knitr_1.5       ggplot2_0.9.3.1

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
 [1] colorspace_1.2-4   dichromat_2.0-0    digest_0.6.4      
 [4] evaluate_0.5.3     formatR_0.10       grid_3.1.0        
 [7] gtable_0.1.2       labeling_0.2       MASS_7.3-31       
[10] munsell_0.4.2      plyr_1.8.1         proto_0.3-10      
[13] RColorBrewer_1.0-5 Rcpp_0.11.1        reshape2_1.2.2    
[16] scales_0.2.3       stringr_0.6.2      tools_3.1.0       
[1] "2014-06-16 14:02:31 BST"