Brown, L. and Cullis, J. (forthcoming) Team Production and Policy for the Care of
Older people: Problems with Theory and Evidence. Policy Studies, Vol.26.4, 2005
Milner, P., Mistral, W., Brown,
L., Weeden, J. (2004) Academic Public Health Research and Development in
England, 2000/1: Capacity, Capability and Concerns. Critical Public
Health, Vol. 14, No.3, pp.251-260
Brown, L.; Tucker, C. and Domokos,
T. (2003) Evaluating the impact of integrated health and social care teams on
older people living in the community.
Health &
Social Care in the Community. Vol. 11, No. 2, March 2003
Brown, L. (2003) Mainstream or
margin? The current use of family group conferences in child welfare practice
in the UK. Child and Family Social Work,
Vol. 8.4, November 2003
Carmichael, A. and Brown, L. (2002) The Future Challenge
for Direct Payments. Disability &
Society. Vol. 17, No.7, December 2002
Brophy, J. (with Brown, L. Cohen S. Radcliffe
P). (2001) Child Psychiatry and child protection litigation. Gaskell
Brown, L. and Challiner, V. (2000) Family Group Conferences in England and Wales. in Lupton, C. (ed.) Moving Forward on Family Group Conferences. University of Portsmouth
Brown, L and Wilson, L. (1999) The
Politics of Joint Agency-University Research in Broad B. (ed.) The
Politics of Research and Evaluation in Social Work, London: Venture Press in
association with Social Work Research Association
Brown, L.
et al. (1999) An Audit of Childcare Need and Provision Within Swindon. University
of Bath Report.
Tucker, C. and Brown, L. (1999) Early Years Childcare Research and Develoment Project. A University of Bath Report.
Brown, L.
and Sampson, L. (1999) Meeting the Needs of Older People Now And In The
Future: The Future Role of Sheltered Housing, University of Bath (ISBN:
185790 052 9)
Brown, L.
et al. (1998) An Audit of Childcare Need and Provision Within Wiltshire. University
of Bath Report.
Brown, L and
Tucker, C. (1998) Building Blocks: An Independent Evaluation of the
Trowbridge Alliance Project. Report No. 8. University of Bath.
Brown, L. et
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Planning of Local Health and Social Care Services: The Trowbridge Experience ,
University of Bath (ISBN: 1 85790 050 2) (co-authored with staff from Wiltshire
Users' Network, Carers Support West Wiltshire and Trowbridge Older People's
Brown, L.,
Anderson, G. and Barter, S.(1998) A Review of Probation Service Accomodation
Strategies in the South West, Wiltshire Social Services and University of
Bath Research & Development Partnership, Report No. 7
Brown, L.
and Wallis, H. (1998) Life Expectancy in Residential Care Homes in the South
West, Wiltshire Social Services and University of Bath Research &
Development Partnership, Report No. 6 (ISBN: 1 85790 046 4) Copies are
available from the University for £7.50
Sourbut, C. and Brown,
L. (1997) Exploring the Needs of Pre-school Children with Disabilities,
Wiltshire Social Services and University of Bath Research & Development
Partnership, Report No. 5
Tucker, C. and Brown,
L. (1997) Moving Towards the Integration of Health and Social Care,
Wiltshire Social Services and University of Bath Research & Development
Partnership, Report No. 4. (ISBN: 185790 041 3) Copies available from the
University for £7.50
Brown, L. (1990)
The CHIAC System Training Manual - A practice guide for use with a computer
based information system on child abuse , University of Bath (ISBN
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