MA22020: Advanced linear algebra


This is the home page of MA22020: Advanced linear algebra taught by Fran Burstall.


I will lecture two times a week as follows:

Lectures start in week 1 and tutorials in week 2 (check your timetable for the time and place of your tutorial.)

Additionally, I shall record a problem class in the shape of me working through the exercise sheets at 14:15 every other Friday afternoon, starting in week 3. Join me on zoom if you like and mail me if there is something you particularly want me to cover.

Go to the Moodle page for the zoom link.

Office hours

Any hour that I am not busy with lectures or problems classes is an office hour. Just drop me an email or swing by my office (4W3.39).

The story so far

I keep a diary of what I covered in lectures. There is also an official syllabus and a reading list.

Exercise sheets

Exercise sheets will be issued every other week on Thursdays, starting in week 1, and homework should handed in at the 4W pigeon holes by noon two week later after which solutions will be available here.

Lecture notes

Here are typeset notes for the course.

WARNING: these are not a substitute for taking your own careful notes during lectures. In particular, these notes are a work in progress and will certainly contain many mistakes (if you find any, report them to me!).


Look here for recordings of lectures and problem classes.


There are two (usually low-traffic) forums on moodle associated to this unit where you can ask me questions (equally, you can just send me an email):

You can unsubscribe to either forum if they do not interest you.


This unit is assessed 100% by exam. Generic exam feedback will be available early in the spring. Individual exam feedback will be offered after the marks come out.


I welcome feedback in the form of constructive comments or criticism.

Problems with this site?

If you encounter any problems while using this site, send me mail describing as completely as you can what has gone wrong.

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Fran Burstall <>
Last modified: Thu Oct 17 16:50:46 BST 2024