Search Fran's catalogue of papers

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Hints for searching the catalogue

You can search for entries in the bibliography by author, title, journal name, date and publisher. In all cases, the search is case-insensitive and you need only enter the first six characters of each word.

Most entries also have a very rough and ready subject classification:

comp: computing related material
gauge: gauge theory, Yang-Mills, monopoles etc
geom: differential geometry that does not fit into the other classes
harm: harmonic maps and minimal surfaces
homog: homogeneous geometry
integ: integrable systems and inverse scattering
lie-thy: Lie theory and representation theory
loop: loop group and Kac-Moody stuff
phys: physics papers not otherwise classified
quant: quantum theory
quat: quaternionic geometry
skyrm: skyrmions
symp: symplectic stuff
super: graded geometry and supermanifolds
top: topology
twistor: twistor theory
A dup in the %K field means that I have multiple copies of the paper and you are welcome to one of them.
Fran Burstall <>