This learned man whose speeches I have allready sett forth, who in the Pullpitt did usually by his Oratory and piety plant generall affections in the hearts of his hearers by his speech pronounced with fluent utterance and gracefull delivery, haveing a noble soule (as my author saith) lodged in a proper and comly body, prevayled soe farr with this Oration for the kindling of zeale in the affections of the Maior and Aldermen to the forwarding of this good worke, that they within very short tyme after convened the Cittyzens into a generall Assembly at the Tholsell ; where upon due deliberacon had of the proposall they immediatly voted the said grante, and speedily certified the Lord Chancellor of soe doeing, and within a short tyme after perfected their Grant, in due forme of Law, for passing vnto the Provost Fellowes and Schollers of the Colledge founded by the Charter of Queen Elizabeth, and by her dedicated to the honour of the holy Trinity, the place scite and ambitt of the late dissolved Monastery of Allhallowes where the Augustinian fryers had been seized for above 400 yeares upon the foundation of Dermott M`Murragh, King of Leinster, togeather with the lands adjoyning thereunto.
Of the old structure there romaines noe more than the Steeple, which belonged to that said Monastery, which was lately repayred and bewtified under the Goverment of Thomas Seele Doctor of Divinity, and late Provost of this Colledge, whereof I am now to spake from its first rise, as well vnder the notion of a Vniversity as of a single Colledge.
It was founded anno 1591. Thomas Smyth, Maior layd the first stone, and it was dedicated to the honour of the holy and undevided Trinity, under the title of Collegium Sanctae et individuae Trinitatis, ex fundatione Reginae Elizabethae.