Measurement of the environmental costs of energy and transport 

Green accounting 

Economics of Climate Change policies: impacts, adaptation and mitigation 

Balancing efficiency and distributional objectives in the design of environmental policy 

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bulletMichaelowa A., Hunt A., Stronzik M., and F. Eckermann. Transaction costs of the Kyoto Mechanisms. Submitted to Climate Policy, March 2002. 

Hunt and Markandya, forthcoming. Energy Subsidy Reform: An Integrated Framework to assess the Direct and Indirect Environmental, Economic and Social Costs and Benefits of Energy Subsidy Reform. UNEP, Geneva. 

Co-author, Transport and the Global Environment: Accounting for GHG Reductions in Policy Analysis. UNEP, Geneva 

Markandya, Hunt and Mason (2000) "Valuing Damages for Green Accounting Purposes: The GARP II Approach" FEEM Nota di Lavoro 93.2000, FEEM, Milan. 

Contributing author in Markandya A and M-L Tamborra (ed.), Green Accounting In Europe: Volume 2. Kluwer Academic Publishers, forthcoming. 

Contributor to Markandya A, Harou P, Bellu L.G. and V. Cistulli. Environmental Economics for Sustainable Growth. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, for the World Bank. 

Hunt A., Mason P., and A. Markandya. Measuring the Indirect Costs and Benefits of Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Options: Methodology and a case study from Hungary. FEEM Nota di Lavoro 78.1999, FEEM, Milan. 

Zilahy, G., Zsoka, A.N., Urge-Vorsatz D., Markandya A., & A. Hunt: The Indirect Costs and Benefits of Greenhouse Gas Limitation: Hungary Case Study. UNEP. 2000 

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EC50120 Welfare Economics

EC50089 Environmental Economics - Exam paper 2002

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