Alistair Hunt: Research Officer
and part time Lecturer
Telephone: +44 1225 383244
Fax: +44 1225 383423
E-mail Address:
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Department of Economics & International
University of Bath, Bath
BA2 7AY, United Kingdom
My main research
interests are in the area of applied environmental economics. This included
measurement of environmental externalities, the possible adjustment of
national accounting welfare measures to incorporate such costs, and the
effective design of environmental policies Issues that I have focussed
on include the economic basis of climate change policy, including impacts
and adaptation assessment, and air and water pollution. I am currently
undertaking a contingent valuation study on changes in mortality risks
relating to the regulation of air pollution for the European Commission.
Country experience
has included work on a number of projects in developing countries and in
economies in transition - including green accounting and training in Russia,
environmental expenditures in Ukraine, sustainable development consequences
of greenhouse gas mitigation in Hungary and a training workshop in Sri
Lanka. I was part of a UK Government (DFID) project evaluation team for
a sustainable development plan of Recife, Brazil and the surrounding river
catchment area. I have also undertaken training and CBA in China and have
written a paper for UNEP on the consequences of energy subsidy reform in
developing countries.