0 (Warmup). Let
be an -dimensional submanifold of . Prove (from the definition of on submanifolds) that if is exact, i.e., , then is closed, i.e., .SolutionSuppose . We have seen in lectures that so , but let us recall how to prove this. Note that it suffices to prove locally on , i.e., on sufficiently small open neighbourhoods of each . There are two ways to proceed.First by definition, we may assume that on
, , where and is the inclusion. Thus on . Alternatively, we may assume that there is a parametrisation . Then , so on because is a bijection with inverse .
1. Let
be an -dimensional submanifold and for .-
(i) Suppose that
is diffeomorphic to and is closed; prove that is exact.HintLet be a diffeomorphism, and consider the pullback . -
(ii) Suppose
; show that is closed.HintWhat is the dimension of ? -
(iii) If
, does have to be exact?HintLook for examples on . A previous exercise may help.
MA40254 Differential and geometric analysis : Solutions 8
(i) Suppose
is closed. Let be a diffeomorphism. Then is closed, so exact by the Poincaré lemma, i.e, there is some such that . If we let then . -
(ii) For each
, is an element of . Since , we have , so is zero everywhere. -
(iii) No. Consider
, and let be the pullback by of the non-exact 1-formfrom Exercises 6 Q 4(iii). The same argument as there shows that
is not exact either.
2. We can for instance take
, and . Then an element of is just a smooth function and pullback reduces to restriction. If we take it to be then that is not the restriction of any smooth function .
3. We have
and . The exterior derivative of this is