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This site presents the images from the ebook High: Advanced Multipitch Climbing, by David Coley and Andy Kirkpatrick. In order to keep the cost of the book to a minimum most of these were not included in the book. Although they work best when used in conjunction with the book, most are self-explanatory.


Please use the following links to buy the book: Amazon USA (kindle) / Amazon UK (kindle) / itunes / kobo


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There is little as frustrating as standing in the cold wondering what is going on, so this chapter looks at why good communication is required for moving efficiently and safely. One key conclusion is that climbers need to talk to each other more about what they like and donÕt like. For example, some hate a tight rope when seconding, others are comforted by one. One tip is that if the leader puts the belay plate in the right place and ready for the rope to be slotted into it before she pulls the slack up, the second will know he is on belay within a few seconds of the ropes going tight.


1. Table of Climbing Calls

The following table lists common climbing calls from around the world. If you can fill in the gaps or know others from around the world please let David know (d.a.coley@bath.ac.uk).


(Austrian ones provided by Andreas Wimmer.)


North America








Off belay

You can take me off belay








Given me more rope (with double ropes add the colour if you only need slack in one rope).


du mou






Said by the second whilst on the belay when the leader has taken in all the slack rope.

ThatÕs me

bout du corde




Seil aus


Take the rope in tight. Normally used by the second.








Take the rope in tight and hold me on it.







Off belay

You are no longer being belayed.

Off belay

corde libre




Seil ein (you are off belay, take the rope up)

Climb on

You are being belayed. Normally shouted to the second to confirm he can strip the belay and start moving.

Climb when ready

allez-y/quand tu veut




ÒNachkommenÓ or ÒGesichertÓ

Take in

Shouted by the second to indicate there is still a lot of slack rope around. (Add the colour of the rope if there is only slack in one rope.)


avalez la corde






Shouted by the second to confirm he has moved off the belay








A warning screamed to indicate you have knocked a rock off or dropped something.








A warning to others that you are about to throw an abseil rope down.

Rope below







I think IÕm about to fall off. Normally said by the leader as a way to make sure the second is concentrating and sharing her anxiety

Watch me







Please use the following links to buy the book: Amazon USA (kindle) / Amazon UK (kindle) / itunes / kobo

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v 9 September 2014

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