Emma Cliffe
is present when an exceptional degree of variation between neurocognitive processes results in noticeable and unexpected weaknesses in the performance of some everyday tasks when compared with much higher performances on a subset of measures of verbal and/or visual abilities for a given individual. These [...] include tasks of learning and remembering, time management, social interaction and attention span, as well as tasks requiring fine and gross motor movements
is a positive statement of differentiation
Grant, 2009. The psychological assessment of neurodiversity. Neurodiversity in higher education: Positive responses to specific learning differences, 33-62.
Maybe we could start by looking at some notes together?
Well, this important bit - what has it to do with conics?
That moment of maths support fear: I have no idea...
What led you to think about conics?
Well, it says so, right there: "conical form"
I can resolve the current query but do I have the requisite knowledge and skills to support the student in building strategies for independence? Do I know what other difficulties the student might encounter?
Dyslexia mainly affects the development of literacy and language related skills. It is characterised by difficulties with:
This can result in difficulties with reading, writing, spelling, sequencing and memory. Areas of relative strength might include, for example, verbal comprehension, visual reasoning, and holistic, rather than sequential, processing.
Something my lecturer claimed about shapes makes no sense
Do you have a picture?
Apparently, this is cyclohexane in boat conformation
That moment of maths support fear as chemistry turns up
Can you see that it has the shape of a boat?
Yes, but cyclohexane is supposed to be a hexagon.
I can resolve the current query but do I have the requisite knowledge and skills to support the student in building strategies for independence? Do I know what other difficulties the student might encounter?
Dyspraxia affects the planning of what you do and how you do it. It is associated with problems of perception, language and thought and is characterised by difficulties with:
This can result in difficulties with organisation, attention, spatial awareness, managing time and space, sequencing, memory and written expression. Areas of relative strength might include, for instance, verbal comprehension, verbal reasoning and 'out of the box' thinking.
I'm preparing for the Numeracy skills test and I need help. How do I know what to do with this question?
That moment of maths support fear: is there something in there to catch us out?
I see all the numbers, I become more and more anxious and I can't make any sense of it.
I can resolve the current query but do I have the requisite knowledge and skills to support the student in building strategies for independence? Do I know what other difficulties the student might encounter?
Dyscalculia mainly affects the ability to acquire arithmetical skills. It is characterised by difficulties with:
This can result in difficulties with learning number facts, acquiring arithmetic skills and learning mathematical procedures and often results in high levels of mathematical anxiety. Areas of relative strength might include any other cognitive and language abilities.
Carefully authored mathematical documents can be adapted by a student and read aloud by appropriate technology.
This one to one support addresses the issues which some students might have in acquiring, recalling and retaining information in written and spoken language as well as the range of memory, organisational, attention and numeracy difficulties that students with specific learning differences often face when working in an HE context.
[...] This support should aim to develop students’ skills for autonomy in the learning environment. It should be tailored to a student’s individual needs [...]
SFE Non-Medical Help Services Reference Manual: http://www.practitioners.slc.co.uk/media/6192/non_medical_help_manual.pdf
Tutors hold membership of one of four professional bodies.
... is a recognised collective term for extra-curricular mathematics and statistics teaching and learning services
[...] The term covers activities, facilities and/or resources provided to support and enhance students’ learning of mathematics or statistics
[...] It is designed to assist students in developing mathematical and/or statistical confidence and skills.
[...] students are encouraged to help themselves and not rely solely on the intervention of a tutor
sigma Network:
Staff with a mathematics background and varying levels of pedagogical knowledge and support experience:
A student may not build effective and appropriate mathematics study skills for their degree.
Without which effectively acquiring mathematical information and skills independently is difficult.
Constant fire-fighting erodes confidence...
and may challenge a core identity of STEM students who "hated English but was good at maths and science".
Can we collaboratively design resources and approaches?
If collaboration is important how do we achieve it? Locally? Nationally?
Adams, Thomasenia Lott. 2003. Reading Mathematics: More than Words Can Say. The Reading Teacher 56 (8): 786–95.
Alcock, Lara. 2013. How to study for a mathematics degree. Oxford University Press.
Alock, Lara, Mark Hodds, and Matthew Inglis. 2014. Self-Explanation Training for Mathematics Students. Mathematics Education Centre, Loughborough University. Obtained via: http://www.lboro.ac.uk/departments/mec/research/mathematical-cognition/self-ex-training
Anthony, Glenda. 2015. When Mathematics Students Fail to Use Appropriate Learning Strategies. Mathematics Education Research Journal 8 (1): 23–37.
Brinkmann, Astrid. 2003. Graphical Knowledge Display - Mind Mapping and Concept Mapping as Efficient Tools in Mathematics Education. Mathematics Education Review, The Journal of Association of Mathematics Education Teachers 16: 39–48.
Cardelle-Elawar, Maria. 1992. Effects of Teaching Metacognitive Skills to Students with Low Mathematics Ability. Teaching and Teacher Education 8 (2): 109–21.
Chinn, S. J, and J. R Ashcroft. 2007. Mathematics for Dyslexics: Including Dyscalculia. 3rd ed. Whurr.
Houston, Kevin. 2009. How to Think Like a Mathematician. Cambridge University Press.
Kahn, Peter. 2001. Studying Mathematics and its Applications. Palgrave.
Mason, John, Leone Burton, and Kaye Stacey. 2010. Thinking Mathematically. 2nd ed. Pearson Education Limited.
Polya, G. 2014. How to Solve It: A New Aspect of Mathematical Method. Princeton University Press.
Schoenfeld, Alan H. 1992. Learning to Think Mathematically: Problem Solving, Metacognition, and Sense Making in Mathematics. In D. Grouws (Ed.), Handbook for Research on Mathematics Teaching and Learning (pp. 334-370). New York: MacMillan.
Shepherd, Mary D., and Carla C. van de Sande. 2014. Reading Mathematics for understanding - From Novice to Expert. The Journal of Mathematical Behavior 35 (September): 74–86.
Tall, David, and Shlomo Vinner. 1981. Concept Image and Concept Definition in Mathematics with Particular Reference to Limits and Continuity. Educational Studies in Mathematics 12 (2): 151–69.
Velleman, Daniel J. 2006. How to prove it: A structured approach. Cambridge University Press.
Vivaldi, Franco. 2014. Mathematical writing. Springer.
Williams, Carol G. 1998. Using Concept Maps to Assess Conceptual Knowledge of Function. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education 29 (4): 414–21.
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