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sigma-sw regional hub meeting: Embedding and sustaining mathematics support

University of Bath

Date/time: Friday 23rd January 2015, 11:00-16:00

The main focus of the meeting was to consider how the community of mathematics and statistics support practitioners may best embed and sustain mathematics support locally in their own institution and within our regional hub. This meeting also had plenty of time for networking and sharing information and ideas between attendees.


11:00 Arrival, refreshments and welcome
11:15 "Sustainable Maths and Stats Support in Universities", Abdel Salhi, Professor of Operational Research and Head of Department, Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Essex. Abdel spoke about how his department has designed and delivered sustainable maths and stats support at Essex.
12:15 Short talks: Attendees were invited to offer up a short talk which highlights work they have completed which assisted in ensuring their maths or stats support is embedded and sustainable.
Shorts talks presented:
13:15 Lunch and informal networking
14:15 Structured activities and discussions with a focus on
  • local and regional embedding and sustainability.
  • Embedding and sustaining hub activities: what do we value, what do we want, what next?
16:00 Departure

The meeting was held at the University of Bath, a light lunch and refreshments was provided.