This format can be produced by the version of PlasTeX described in this document (section 1.3). MathJax is an open source Javascript display engine for mathematics which works in all modern browsers including those on some smart phones and tablets. Mathematics can be rendered in a format appropriate for each browser and hence does not require the installation of fonts or additional software. A connection to the Internet is required.
Information about MathJax:
Main website:,
The MathJax user menu is accessed by right clicking on an equation, this allows users to control zoom and rendering. The mathematics in MathJax pages will scale with the font size of the surrounding text without user intervention but it may be zoomed further as required. If using the HTML-CSS renderer (this can be controlled by the user) equations will reflow as needed.
If the using IE and Mathplayer is available MathJax can use MathPlayer as the renderer and hence equations can be read aloud. The format produced by PlasTeX is likely to be suitable for use with text-to-speech but not for screenreader users as alt tags are not available for images and some mathematics symbols, while visually rendered correctly are not spoken with enough precision.