Democritus was written by A. S. Côté, W. Smith and P.J. Lindan, CCLRC Daresbury Laboratory, Daresbury, Warrington WA4 4AD. Its development was funded under the CLRC Research and Development Fund.
A number of people have contributed advice and assistance in developing Democritus. We are grateful to the following:
- Anne Humphries, Schools Liaison Officer, Daresbury Laboratory;
- Daniel Hanlon, Computational Science and Engineering, Daresbury Laboratory;
- Debbie Pressage, Priestley College, Warrington;
- Dr Roger Gladwyn, Computers in Teaching Initiative and University of Liverpool;
- Joanna McGouran, Helsby High School;
- Catherine Clayton, Woolston High School;
- Helen Thornley, Manchester Girl's School;
- Prof. Dennis Rapaport, Bar Ilan University;
- Dr. Barry Searle, Computational Science and Engineering, Daresbury Laboratory;
- Damian Jones, Computational Science and Engineering, Daresbury Laboratory;
Democritus is the copyright of CCLRC Daresbury Laboratory 2000.
CCLRC accepts no liability whatsoever arising from the use of the Democritus software.