
A report to the EPSRC on the Strategy and Structure of Chemical Engineering Research in the USA *

July 1999 *


Summary Sections

Research at the Edge - A Personal View *

Principal Summary

Principal Recommendations *

The Commendations and Recommendations

Introduction to the Report *

Summarised Sections

Research Fields *

Funding Opportunities *

Academic Staff Matters *

Postgraduate Training *

Undergraduate Matters *


Research Fields



Contents *

Funding Opportunities *

A Diversity of Funding Agencies *

The National Science Foundation *

Industrial Funding *

Sticks and Carrots *

Blue Sky Funding *

Charities *

Academic Staff Matters *

A First Foot on the Ladder *

Gaining Further Research Experience *

Getting Going *

In the Thick of the Job – Finding Their Feet *

Climbing the Tenure Tree *

Industrial Experience – A Good Thing? *

Teaching *

Governance *

Postgraduate Training *

Recruitment *

Advanced Courses, and Starting Research *

Funding Student Places *

Completing the Ph.D. *

Undergraduate Matters *

Course Flexibility *

Industrial Placements *

Research Programmes *

The Rôle of the NSF *

References *

Postdoctoral Positions *

Interdisciplinary Research *

Funding Agencies *

The Department of Energy (DoE) *

Reports on Individual Departments Visited *

California Institute of Technology

Northwestern University

University Of California, Berkeley

Pennsylvania State University

University of California, Santa Barbara

University Of Pittsburgh

University of California, Los Angeles

Princeton University

Carnegie Mellon University

Purdue University

University Of Delaware

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Stanford University

University of Massachusetts, Amherst

University of Texas at Austin

University of Michigan

University of Virginia

University of Minnesota

University of Wisconsin

North Carolina State University