JOHN A HOWELL FREngProfessor of Biochemical Eng. Department of Chemical Eng. University of Bath, BATH., BA2 7AY
Home Address: 3 Seend Cleeve, nr Melksham SN12 6PS
Telephone: Business: (01225) 826251
Fax: (01225) 826894
Born: 26 April 1939, Hyde, England; UK citizen :
Education: PhD. U. of Minnesota, Chem.Eng1966; Chem.Eng. Tripos 1961 MA 1964 (All U. of Cambridge,UK)
Professional Experience
Petrocarbon Developments Ltd., Manchester UK, (1961-63);U of Minnesota, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Research Assistant (1963-66); COPPE, Federal U. of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Assistant Professor, (1966-67); Dept. of Chem.Eng, State U. of NY at Buffalo, Asst.Prof (67-70) Assoc. Prof (70-75), Master of Rachel Carson College, (70-72); Dept. of Chem.Eng, U.of Wales, Swansea, Sr.Vis.Fellow (73-74), Reader (75-85 ), Professor (1985-);
Other appointments
WRC Stevenage, Scientific Adviser (1981-5) U. of Waterloo, Ontario Canada, Visiting Professor (81-82). Environment Canada, Burlington Ontario, Visiting Researcher (81-82); CNRS Laboratoire de Genie Chimique et Electrochimie, University Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, Visiting Director of Research (1995), State Key Advisor to the State Key Laboratory of Biochemical Reactor Engineering, East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai.(April 98) Expert assistant on Professorial Appointments to University of Malaysia (98 - )
Learned Societies
Royal Academy of Engineering (Elected Fellow 1997), Institution of Chemical Engineers (Elected Fellow 1978, Chariman Biochemical Engineering Subject Group 1984-86, Council 1986-8, Chairman SW Branch 1987), European Membrane Society (Treasurer, 1996-98, President 98-2000)
Chair of Conferences
Watt Committee on Membranes 1987, Food and Bioproducts Processing Bath 2 (1986) and 3 (1988), Engineering of Membrane Processes I (Garmisch-Partenkirchen 1992) and II (Il Ciocco, Italy 1994), Euromembrane 95 Bath (1995), 21C Intl Symp on Membranes, Beijing 2000, Membranes in Engineering, Granada (2001)
Editorial Boards
Journal of Membrane Science, Trans.I.Chem.E (Part C)
Professional Service
Comite Scientifique du Laboratoire de Genie Chimique (Toulouse) - sole non-French member of the evaluation team.90,94,98; Chairman of Accreditation Panel for Institution of Chemical Engineers for University of Compiegne 92,97, Ecole National Superieure de Industrie Chimique in Nancy, 94, the Ecole Nationale Superieure de Genie Chimique in Toulouse (Nov 98) Member of the International Advisory Board for the UNESCO Centre for Membrane Science and Technology, UNSW, Kensington, NSW Australia, EPSRC Process Engineering College EFCE: Membrane Working Party,
Recreation: Orienteering, walking and ski mountaineering
Robinson, C.R. and Howell, J.A. (Eds), Comprehensive Biotechnology Vol. 4 - The Practice of Biotechnology: Speciality Products and Service Activities, Pergamon Press (1985)
Howell, J.A., The Membrane Alternative: Energy Implications for Industry, Watt Committee Report No 21, Elsevier (1990).
Howell, J.A., Sanchez, V., and Field R.W., Membrane Processes in Biotechnology: Theory and Applications , Blackie, London (1993)
Refereed journal publications since 1976:
[Ion-exchange and Chromatography] [Membrane Technology] [Wastewater Treatment] [Bioreactor Design] [Polymer Kinetics]
Ion-exchange and Chromatography
Howell, J.A. "Downstream Processing", Process. Biotech., Feb. 1985.
Howell, J.A., Jones M G and Sabuni H A M., "Optimal Operation of an Ion-Exchange Vessel" Engineering Innovation in the Food Industry, IChemE, 137-143, (1987)
Howell, J.A., Jones MG & John M "Control of a large protein ion-exchange plant", Separations for Biotechnology (Eds Verrall & Hudson), Ellis Horwood, Biochem & Biotech Ch. 31 pp 405-412 (1987)
Carter, A. and Howell, J.A., "Adsorption of Commercially Prepared Trypsin Using a Membrane Support Material", Biotech. Tech., 1 (2), 115-116 (June 1987).
Leaver, G., Conder, J.R. and Howell, J.A. "A method development study of the production of albumin from animal blood by ion-exchange chromatography". Sep. Sci. & Tech., 22, No. 8-10, 2037-2059 (1987)
Leaver G, Conder JR & Howell, J.A., "Adsorption isotherms of albumin on a cross-linked cellulose chromatographic ion-exchanger", Advances in Separation Processes, I.Chem.E. Symposium Series No. 118, Swansea, 1990.
Howell, J.A., Dove R and Kuwata T "Manufacture and Use of High Protein Whey Concentrate" Proc ADPI/CDR Dairy products Conference. 43-59, 1990
Dantigny P, Wang Y, Hubble J & Howell, J.A., "Optimisation of Frontal Chromatography by Partial Loading", J. Chromat. 545, 27-42 (1991).
Fang M & Howell, J.A., "Kinetic Behaviour of a Novel Matrix Ion-Exchanger, Carboxymethyl-HVFM Operated at High Flow Rate", J. Chromat. 539, 255-266, (1991).
Fang M & Howell, J.A., "Resolution and productivity of conalbumin and lysozyme from fresh egg-white loaded at very high flow rate on a 250-mm length CM-HVFM column" Bioseparation 2 289-295, (1991)
Yang, M., Fang, M., Hubble., J. Lockett, AD, and Howell, J.A., On-line thermal monitoring of aspartic acid separations in a high voidage ion-exchange column, Biotech. Tech 6(5), 409-412 (1992)
Leaver, G., Howell, J.A.. and Condor, J., Adsorption kinetics of albumin on a cross-linked cellulose chromatographic ion-exchanger. J Chromatograph. 590, 101-112 (1992)
Wang Y, Fang M, Dantigny P & Howell, J.A., "Optimisation of frontal ion-exchange chromatography of protein by partial loading' The IChemE Research Event 1992, IChemE, Rugby, 1992 pp 549-551
Fang Ming, M Yang and Howell, J.A., "Identification and prediction of desorption and fractionation process on a 25 x 1 cm ID ProductivTM CM column using neural network" Eighth Symposium on Separation Science and Technology for Energy Applications, US Dept of Energy/AIChE, Gatlinburg, Tennessee, USA. (1993).
Fang Ming, Howell, J.A., Acosta F. and Hubble J, Study on separation of conalbumin and lysozyme from high concentration fresh egg white at high rates by a novel ion-exchanger. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 42, 1086-1090(1993).
Fang Ming and Howell, J.A.,, . Parameter estimation for a model of column adsorption incorporating axial dispersion - application to a novel monolithic ion-exchange column. Trans. I.Chem.Eng. Part C, Food and Bioproducts Processing, 71, 267-71, (1993)
Fang Ming and Howell, J.A., Operational properties of an inverted matrix ion-exchanger. Bioseparation 4, 63-70, (1994)
Fang Ming, M. Yang and Howell, J.A., Identification and prediction of desorption and fractionation process on a 25 x 1 cm ID ProductivTM CM column using neural network. Separation Science and Technology. 30 (7-9), 1397-1406 (1995)*
Velicangil, O. and Howell, J.A., "Protease Coupled Ultrafiltration Membranes", Biotechnol. and Bioeng. 19 1891-94 (1977)
Thuraisingham, S.T., Howell, J.A. and Williams, D.J.A., "The Effect of Aluminium and Ferric Ions on the Electrophoretic Mobility of Particles in Treated Piggery Effluents", Water Res. 14 1209-1214 (1980)
Velicangil, O. and Howell, J.A., "Estimation of the Properties of High Flux Ultrafiltration Membranes", J. Phys. Chem. 84 2991-2 (1980)
Howell, J.A. and Velicangil, O., "Self-cleaning Membranes for Ultrafiltration", Biotechnol. and Bioeng. 23 843-54 (1981)
Velicangil, O. and Howell, J.A., "Theoretical Considerations of Membrane Fouling and its Treatment with Immobilised Enzymes for Protein Ultrafiltration", J. Appl. Poly. Sci. 27 21-32 (1982)
Le, M.S. and Howell, J.A., "Model for the Effects of Adsorbents and Cleaners on Ultrafiltration Membrane Structure", Chem. Eng. Res. & Des. 61 191-197 (1983)
Le, M.S. and Howell, J.A., "Alternative Model for Ultra filtration", Chem. Eng. Res. Des. 62 373-380 (1984)
Howell, J.A., "Dynamic Aspects of Membrane Ultrafiltration", Filtration & Separation, (1986)
Heinemann, P., Howell, J.A. and Bryant, R. "Microfiltration of protein solutions, effect of fouling on rejection", Desalination, 68(2,3), 243-250, (1988)
Taddei, C. and Howell, J.A., "On the effect of membrane conditioning in cell harvesting using microfiltration", Biotechnology Tech, 3, 155-160, 1988.
Aimar, P., Howell, J.A. and Turner, N M. "Effects of Concentration Boundary Layer Development on Flux Limitations in Ultrafiltration", Chem.Eng.Res.& Des. 67, 255-26,1989.
Finnigan, S. M. and Howell, J. A., "The Effect of Pulsatile Flow on Ultrafiltration Fluxes in a Baffled Tubular Membrane System", Chem.Eng.Res.& Des. 67, 278-282,1989.
Finnigan S M & Howell, J.A., "The Effect of Pulsed Flow on Ultrafiltration Fluxes in a Baffled Tubular Membrane System", Desalination, 79, 181-202, (1990).
Taddei, C., Aimar, P., Howell, J.A. and Scott, J Ashley., "Yeast Cell Harvesting From Cider Using Microfiltration", J.Chem,. Tech. Biotechnology, 47,365-376, 1990.
Aimar P, Howell, J.A., Clifton M J, & Sanchez V, "Concentration Polarisation build-up in Hollow Fibres: a method of measurement and its modelling in ultrafiltration", J. Memb. Sci. 59, 81-99, (1991).
Wu D, Howell, J.A., & Turner NM, "A New Method for Modelling the Time-Dependance of Permeation Flux in Ultrafiltration", Trans.I.Chem.E. (Part C), 69, 77-81, (1991).
Lojkine, MH, Field RW and Howell, J.A., 'Crossflow microfiltration of cell suspensions: a review of models with emphasis on particle size effects.' Trans.IChemE, 70, 1992,
Howell, J.A.., Fouling and Process Design, Membrane preparation - Fouling - Emerging Processes., Recents Progres en Genie des Procedes 6, 195-207 (1992)
Wu, D., Howell, J.A.., and Field RW., Incubation as an enhancer for CFMF of yeast cell debris to recover proteins., Membrane preparation - Fouling - Emerging Processes, Recents Progres en Genie des Procedes 6, 311-316 (1992)
Howell, J.A., Field, RW., and Wu, D., Yeast cell microfiltration: Flux enhancement in baffled and pulsatile flow systems, J.Memb Sci., 80, 59-71, (1993)
Wu, D., Field, RW, and Howell, J.A. A further investigation on the microfiltration behaviour of baker's yeast suspensions at very high concentrations Separation Science and Technology 30 (7-9) 1475-1490 (1995)
Pritchard, M., Howell, J.A. and Field RW. The Ultrafiltration of Viscous Fluids Journal of Membrane Science 99 (1995) 223-235
Y.Wang, JA Howell, RW Field, and MR Mackley. Oscillatory flow within porous tubes containing wall or central baffles Trans. IChemE, 72, Part A 686-694, (1994)*
Y.Wang, JA Howell, RW Field and D Wu, Simulation of cross-flow filtration for baffled tubular channels and pulsatile flow J Membr Sci 95 243-258, (1994)*
Howell, J.A., Sub-critical flux operation J Membr Sci 107 (1995) 165-96.171*
Gupta BB, Howell, J.A., Wu D and Field RW "A helical baffle for cross-flow microfiltration" Journal of Membrane Science 99 (1995) 31-42*
Howell, J.A., Field RW, Wu D Ultrafiltration of High Viscosity Solutions: Theoretical Developments and Experimental Findings. Chem Eng Sci 51, 1405-1415 (1996)*
Gupta BB, Wu D, Field RW and Howell, J.A., "Permeate flux enhancement using a baffle in microfiltration with mineral membrane" Separation Technology Vol. 11 (ed) E F Vasant, Elsevier Science BV, 559-565 (1994)*
R.W.Field, D Wu, J.A.Howell and BB Gupta Critical flux concept for microfiltration fouling J.Memb.Sci. 100 259-72 (1995)*
P.Hodgson, G. Leslie, A.G. Fane and J.A. Howell, Effect of pressure cycles on the microfiltration of Bakers Yeast in a Pulsed flow baffled geometry system. Biotechnol. and Bioeng. (In press)*
Bartlett M, Bird MR and Howell, J.A., "An Experimental Study for the Development of a Qualitative Membrane Cleaning Model" Journal of Membrane Science, 105 (1995) 147-157*
Gan Q, Field RW, Bird MR, England R., Howell, J.A.,., McKechnie MT. And O’Shaughnessy CL. Beer Clarification by Cross Flow Microfiltration: Fouling Mechanisms and Flux Enhancement Trans.I.Chem.E. 75 Part A 3-8 (1997)*
West, SM, Chaudhuri, JB. And Howell, J.A., Improved protein refolding using hollow fibre membrane dialysis. Biotechnol and Bioeng (1998) 57, 590-99
Dengxi Wu, J.A. Howell and R.W. Field, Critical flux measurement for model colloids, J.Membrane Science 152 (1999) 89.
J.A. Howell, D.Wu and R.W. Field , Transmission of bovine albumin under controlled flux Ultrafiltration, J.Membrane Science 152 (1999) 117
Q. Gan, J.A. Howell, R.W. Field, R. England, M. R. Bird, M.T. McKechinie Synergetic Cleaners for a Ceramic Membrane fouled by Beer Microfiltration, J.Membr.Science, 155, (1999) 277-289
N Mugnier, J A Howell and M. Ruf, Optimisation of a back-flush sequence for zeolite microfiltration J Membrane Science 175 (2000) 149-161
V.Freger, T.C. Arnot and J.A.Howell, Separation of concentrated organic/inorganic salt mixtures by nanofiltration, J. Membr. Sci. 178 (2000) 185-193
Bioreactor Design
Howell, J.A., Knapp, J.S. and Velicangil, O., "Enzymes in Separation Processes", in Enzyme Engineering Vol 4, Manecke, G. and Broun, G. (Eds) 269-274, Plenum Press, N.Y. (1978)
Howell, J.A. and Mangat, M., "Enzyme Deactivation during Cellulose Hydrolysis", Biotechnol. and Bioeng. 20 847-863 (1978)
Knapp, J.S. and Howell, J.A., "Solid Substrate Fermentation", Ch. 4 in Topics in Enzyme and Fermentation Biotechnology, v.4 Ellis Horwood, Chichester (1980)
Mangat, M. and Howell, J.A., "Product Inhibition of T. viride Cellulase", in Food, Pharmaceutical and Bioengineering 1976/77, Tsao, G. (Ed), A.I.Ch.E. Symp. Ser. 74 #172, 77-81 (1978)
Howell, J.A. and Jones, M.G., "Problems in On-line Parameter Estimation for a Structured Model", in Computer Applications in Fermentation Technology, Herrmann, J. (Ed) 57-66, SCI, London (1982)
Hamilton, K.M. and Howell, J.A., "Dense Culture Lactate Fermentation in a Hollow Fibre Fermenter", in Advances in Fermentation, Proc. Biochemistry, Wheatland Journals Ltd, Rickmansworth (1983)
Howell, J.A., "Mathematical Models in Microbiology: Mathematical Tool-kit", in Mathematics in Microbiology, 37- 76, Academic Press, London (1983)
Howell, J.A., "Life Sciences- Stretching the Boundaries" Trans. I.Chem.E. Part C, 78, 5-10, (2000)
Smith,M., McFetridge,P., Bodamayali,T., Chaudhuri,J.B., Howell, J.A., Stevens, C.R. and Horrocks,M., "Porcine Derived Collagen as a Scaffold for Tissue Engineering", Food and Bioproducts Processing , 78, 19-24, (2000)
Chen, C.H., Vermeychuk, J.G., Howell, J.A. & Ehrlich, P. "Computer Model for Tubular High Pressure Polyethylene Reactors", A.I.Ch.E.J. 22 932 (1976)
Azevedo, S.F. and Howell, J.A., "A Second Order Model for Low Density Polyethylene Pipeline Reactors", Chem. Eng. Res. Des. 66, 128-137 (1988).
Howell, J.A. and Atkinson, B., "Sloughing of Microbial Film in Trickling Filters", Water Research 10 307 (1976)
Howell, J.A. and Atkinson, B., "Influence of Oxygen and Substrate Concentrations on the Ideal Film Thickness and the Maximum Overall Substrate Uptake in Microbial Film Fermenters", Biotechnol. and Bioeng. 18 15-36 (1976)
Howell, J.A., "Discussion of 'Effects of Influent Substrate Concentration on the Kinetics of Natural Microbial Populations in Continuous Culture'", Water Research 10 271 (1976)
Chi, C.T. and Howell, J.A., "Transient Behaviour of a Continuous Stirred Tank Biological Reactor Utilising Phenol as an Inhibitory Substrate", 18 63 (1976)
Cinq-Mars, G.V. and Howell, J.A., "Enzymatic Treatment of Primary Municipal Sludge with T. viride Cellulase", Biotechnol. and Bioeng. 19 377-385 (1977)
Maljian, M. and Howell, J.A., "Dynamics of Continuous Thickeners", Trans.I.Chem.E. 56 56-61 (1978)
Howell, J.A. and Knapp, J., "Treatment of Primary Sewage Sludge with Enzymes", Biotechnol. and Bioeng. 20 1221-34 (1978)
Thuraisingham, S.T., Howell, J.A. and Williams, D.J.A., "Flocculation of Animal Slurries; the Electrokinetic Properties of Colloidal Particles Present in Pig Slurry", Biotechnology Letters 1 27-30 (1979)
Khatib, Z. and Howell, J.A., "Batch and Continuous Sedimentation of Flocculated China Clay Slurries", Trans. Inst. Chem. Eng. 57 170-175 (1979)
Knapp, J.S. and Howell, J.A., "Treatment and Re-use of Organic Solid Wastes", Proc. Biochem. 14 (6) 8-11 (1979)
Howell, J.A., Jones, M.G., Klu, M.K. and Khan, A.R., "Scale-up Problems in Biological Waste Treatment", Ch. 34 in Waste Treatment and Utilization: Theory and Practice of Waste Management, Moo-Young and G.J. Farquhar (Eds) Pergamon Press, New York (1980)
Thuraisingham, S.T., Howell, J.A. and Williams, D.J.A., "The Effect of Aluminium and Ferric Ions on the Electrophoretic Mobility of Particles in Treated Piggery Effluents", Water Res. 14
Knapp, J.S., Jones, M.G., Thomas, G. and Howell, J.A., "A versatile level indicator usable for the measurement of specific resistance to filtration", Water Poll. Control 80117-120 (1981)
Howell, J.A., "Parameter Estimation Using Kalman Filters", Adv. in Biotechnology 2 571-578, Moo-Young, M. and Robinson, C.R. (Eds), Pergamon Press, (1981)
Howell, J.A. and Jones, M.G., "The Development of a Two-Component Operon-Type Theory Model for Phenol Degradation", Water 1980, G. Bennett (Ed) A.I.Ch.E. Symp. Series 209, 77 122-128 (1981)
Sokol, W. and Howell, J.A., "Kinetics of Phenol Oxidation by Washed Cells", Biotechnol. and Bioeng. 23 2039-49 (1981)
Howell, J.A., Yust, L. and Reilly, P., "On-Line Measurement of Respiration and Mass Transfer Rates in an Activated Sludge Aeration Tank", JWPCF 56 319-324 (1984)
Turner, C. and Howell, J.A., "On-line Estimation of the Time Constant of Oxygen Electrodes by Time-Series Analysis", Biotechnology Letters 6 215-220 (1984)
Canovas-Diaz, M. and Howell, J.A., "Effect of nickel on methane production and butyric acid utilization in a downflow fixed-film reactor", Biotech. Letters 8 287-292 (1986)
Canovas-Diaz, M. and Howell, J.A., "Stability of a percolating anaerobic downflow fixed film reactor under overloading conditions", Biotech. Letters 30 379-384 (1986)
Canovas-Diaz, M. and Howell, J.A., "Stratified Ecology Techniques in the Start Up of an Anaerobic Downflow Fixed Film Percolating Reactor', Biotech. and Bioeng. 30, 289-296 (1987).
Canovas-Diaz, M and Howell, J.A.., "Downflow Anaerobic Filter Stability Studies with Different Reactor Working Volumes", Process Biochemistry, 22, 181-184 (1987)
Howell, J.A., "Modelling of Bioreactors", Trans.Inst. M C, 8 No 3, (July-Sept. 1986)
Yust, L.S.and Howell, J.A., "Application of a self-tuning regulator to control dissolved oxygen in an activated sludge plant." Chem. Eng. Res. & Des. 66, (May 1988)
Canovas-Diaz, M. and Howell, J.A., "Stratified mixed culture biofilm model for anaerobic digestion", Biotech. áBioengineering, 32 348-355 (1988)
Fang Ming, Howell, J.A. and Canovas-Diaz, M. "Efficiency and stability of a stratified ecology: a dynamic model of an anaerobic fixed biofilm reactor", Biotech.Bioeng., In press. (1988)
Owen, G., Bandi, M., Howell, J.A., and Churchouse, SJ, Economic assessment of membrane processes for water and waste applications, J Membr Sci.102, (1995) 77-91
Scott JA, Howell, J.A., Arnot TC, Smith KL and Bruska M (1996) "Enhanced system kLa `and permeate flux with a ceramic membrane bioreactor" Biotechnol. Tech. 10:4, 287-290