Dispersion of nonlinearity and modulation instability in subwavelength semiconductor waveguides (bibtex)
abstract = {Tight confinement of light in subwavelength waveguides induces substantial dispersion of their nonlinear response. We demonstrate that this dispersion of nonlinearity can lead to the modulational instability in the regime of normal group velocity dispersion through the mechanism independent from higher order dispersions of linear waves. A simple phenomenological model describing this effect is the nonlinear Schroedinger equation with the intensity dependent group velocity dispersion.},
author = {Gorbach, A V and Zhao, X and Skryabin, D V},
file = {:C\:/Users/ag263/OneDrive - University of Bath/Mendeley Library/2011/Gorbach, Zhao, Skryabin - Opt. Express - 2011.pdf:pdf},
journal = {Opt. Express},
keywords = {Nonlinear,Nonlinear optics,Parametric oscillators and amplifiers,four-wave mixing},
month = {may},
number = {10},
pages = {9345--9351},
publisher = {OSA},
title = {{Dispersion of nonlinearity and modulation instability in subwavelength semiconductor waveguides}},
url = {http://www.opticsexpress.org/abstract.cfm?URI=oe-19-10-9345},
volume = {19},
year = {2011}
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