Vortex solitons in an off-resonant Raman medium (bibtex)
abstract = {We investigate the existence and linear stability of coupled vortex solitons supported by cascaded four-wave mixing in a Raman active medium excited away from the resonance. We present a detailed analysis for the two-and three-component vortex solitons and demonstrate the formation of stable and unstable vortex solitons, and associated spatiotemporal helical beams, under the conditions of the simultaneous frequency and vortex comb generation.},
author = {Gorbach, A V and Skryabin, D V and Harvey, C N},
doi = {10.1103/PhysRevA.77.063810},
issn = {1050-2947},
journal = {PHYSICAL REVIEW A},
month = {jun},
number = {6},
title = {{Vortex solitons in an off-resonant Raman medium}},
volume = {77},
year = {2008}
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