Spectral-discrete solitons and localization in frequency space (bibtex)
abstract = {We report families of discrete optical solitons in frequency space, or spectral-discrete solitons existing in a dispersive Raman medium, where individual sidebands are coupled by coherence. The associated time-domain patterns correspond either to trains of ultrashort pulses or to weakly modulated waves. We describe the physics behind the spectral localization and study soliton bifurcations, stability, and dynamics. (c) 2006 Optical Society of America.},
author = {Gorbach, A V and Skryabin, D V},
file = {:C\:/Users/ag263/OneDrive - University of Bath/Mendeley Library/2006/Gorbach, Skryabin - OPTICS LETTERS - 2006.pdf:pdf},
issn = {0146-9592},
journal = {OPTICS LETTERS},
month = {nov},
number = {22},
pages = {3309--3311},
title = {{Spectral-discrete solitons and localization in frequency space}},
volume = {31},
year = {2006}
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