Energy flow for soliton ratchets (bibtex)
abstract = {We study the mechanism of directed energy transport for soliton ratchets.
The energy flow appears due to the progressive motion of a soliton
(kink) which is an energy carrier. However, the energy current formed
by internal system deformations ( the total field momentum) is zero.
We show that the energy flow is realized via an inhomogeneous energy
exchange between the system and the external ac driving. We also
discuss effects of spatial discretization and combination of ac and
dc external drivings.},
author = {Denisov, S and Flach, S and Gorbach, A},
doi = {10.1209/epl/i2005-10235-7},
issn = {0295-5075},
month = {oct},
number = {2},
pages = {183--189},
title = {{Energy flow for soliton ratchets}},
volume = {72},
year = {2005}
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