@article{KUG2001, abstract = {A diatomic elastic chain with nonlinear interparticle interaction placed in a nonlinear external potential is considered. A detailed classification of possible two-parametric traveling gap- and near-gap-soliton solutions for this system is given for different relative strengths of the nonlinearities. Analytical expressions are derived for traveling near-gap solitons in the absence of an external field. (C) 2001 MAIK ``Nauka/Interperiodica{''}.}, author = {Kovalev, A S and Usatenko, O V and Gorbach, A V}, issn = {1063-7834}, journal = {PHYSICS OF THE SOLID STATE}, number = {9}, pages = {1665--1674}, title = {{Traveling solitons in modulated elastic media}}, volume = {43}, year = {2001} }