Proof Theory Group at TU Dresden / Events
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Proof Theory Group at TU Dresden
In the following list of events, I indicate in square brackets the sources of financing for each event (see also the bottom of the page). Only financing from our sources is indicated. I don't list talks internal to our group and at the local graduate college. I list talks of former group members if they relate to work they carried on while in Dresden.
1.9Alessio and Paola move to the University of Bath.
9-12.8Kai (Bern) visits us.
19-22.7Ozan participates in the WoLLIC 2005 conference (Florianópolis - Brazil) and talks about System BV Is NP-Complete.
16-17.7Charles and Paola co-organise the workshop Structures and Deduction at next ICALP 2005 in Lisbon; at the workshop, Alessio talks about The Problem of Bureaucracy and Identity of Proofs from the Perspective of Deep Inference, Charles and Robert about Purity Through Unravelling and Ozan about Implementing Deep Inference in TOM.
17.6Alessio visits Thomas Streicher (TU Darmstadt) and talks about The How and Why of Deep Inference.
15-16.6Alessio visits Lutz Straßburger at the Programming Systems Lab (Saarbrücken) and talks about Classical Logic in Deep Inference and Some Ideas on Proof Search.
2-7.5Michel Parigot (PPS group, Paris) visits us.
20-21.4Alessio visits Michel Parigot (PPS group) in Paris.
31.3-3.4Ozan participates in the UNILOG 2005 conference (Montreux) and talks about Labeled Event Structure Semantics of Linear Logic Planning.
23.3Robert successfully defends his MSc thesis Geometric Theories and Modal Logic in the Calculus of Structures and he gets the grade 1.0 (the highest possible).
21-24.2We organise the ICCL Workshop Proof Theory 2005; the following guests visit us:
14-16.2Ozan participates in the AIA 2005 conference (Innsbruck) and talks about Towards Planning as Concurrency.
7.2Alessio visits the computer science department at University of Bath and gives a talk about Deep Inference.
9-15.12Alessio visits the PPS group in Paris, participates in the Paris-Vienna Workshop 2004 on Proofs and talks about Reasons and Methods of Deep Inference.
29.11-3.12Charles and Robert visit INRIA's Calligramme group in Nancy; Charles talks about Designing Proof Theories: Handling Modalities and Labels and Robert talks about 3/4s Scott-Lemmon Theories.
22.11-17.12Ozan visits INRIA's Calligramme and Protheo groups in Nancy and gives a talk about Implementing Deep Inference.
27-29.10Ozan participates in the ISCIS 2004 conference (KemerAntalya) and talks about System BV without the Equalities for Unit.
27.10Phiniki successfully defends her MSc thesis The Design of Modal Proof Theories: The Case of S5 and she gets the grade 1.0 (the highest possible); she joins as a graduate student Gerhard Jäger's group in Bern.
27-28.9We organise the ICCL Workshop Proof Theory 2004; the following guests visit us:
9-11.9Charles and Phiniki participate in the AiML 2004 conference (Manchester) and talk about A Systematic Proof Theory for Several Modal Logics.
16-20.8Alessio participates in the ESSLLI 2004 school (Nancy) and lectures on The Calculus of Structures.
9-20.8Ozan participates in the ESSLLI 2004 school (Nancy) and talks about Implementing System BV of the Calculus of Structures in Maude.
14-25.6We organise the ICCL Summer School 2004 - Proof Theory and Automated Theorem Proving; the following guests visit us and participate as indicated:
In addition:
[CoLogNet, DAAD, GK]
3.6Alessio visits the PPS group in Paris and gives a talk about Deep Inference and Self-dual Non-commutativity.
13.5Lutz visits the SIGNES group in Bordeaux and gives a talk about The Calculus of Structures.
31.3-3.4Alessio participates in the Workshop on Constructive Classical Logic (Roma) and talks about The Need for Deep Inference in Proof Theory.
22-23.3Lutz visits the Laboratoire de Géométrie, Topologie et Algèbre in Montpellier and gives two talks about Linear Logic in the Calculus of Structures and On Proof Nets for Multiplicative Linear Logic with Units.
1-5.3Lutz participates in the 9th Estonian Winter School in Computer Science (Palmse) and talks about The Calculus of Structures.
1-5.3Prakash Panangaden (McGill and Oxford University) visits us and talks about Concurrent Common Knowledge : Agreement and Causal Consistency in Distributed Systems.
12.2Lutz visits the PPS group in Paris and gives a talk about The Calculus of Structures.
26-27.1Lutz participates in the Géométrie du Calcul meeting (Marseille) and talks about The Calculus of Structures.
11-12.12Kai participates in the Arbeitstagung Bern-München (München) and gives a talk on Interpolation as Symmetric Cut Elimination.
9-13.12Paola participates in the ICLP 2003 conference (Mumbai) with the invited tutorial A Tutorial on Proof Theoretic Foundations of Logic Programming.
24-26.11Paola visits INRIA's Calligramme group in Nancy and talks about Linear Logic Proofs Via Macro Rules.
19-21.11We organise a Workshop on Structural Proof Theory; the following guests visit us:
[CL, IQN, Proc]
12.11Robert Hein joins the group as a MSc student, supervised by Charles.
29-30.10Kai participates in the annual meeting of the Swiss Society for Logic and Philosophy of Science (Murten) and gives an invited talk on Deep Inference and Symmetry in Deductive Systems.
6-10.10Alessio, Charles and Phiniki visit INRIA's Calligramme group in Nancy; Alessio talks about A New Proof Theory with Deep Inference and Symmetry, Charles talks about Partial Sharing Diagrams and Phiniki talks about Modal Logics in the Calculus of Structures.
1.10Kai joins as a post-doc Gerhard Jäger's group in Bern.
22-26.9Paola participates in the LPAR 2003 conference (Almaty) and talks about On Structuring Proof Search for First Order Linear Logic.
22.9Kai defends his PhD thesis Deep Inference and Symmetry in Classical Proofs and gets the grade `summa cum laude´ (the highest possible).
22.9Dale Miller (INRIA and École Polytechnique, Paris) visits us and talks about Reasoning About Proof Search Specifications.
18-21.9Charles and Kai participate in the FOL75 conference (Berlin); Kai talks about A Finitary System for First Order Logic.
1.9Lutz joins as a post-doc INRIA's Calligramme group in Nancy.
18-30.8Kai participates in the ESSLLI 2003 school and CSL 2003 conference (Vienna) and, in the conference, he talks about Atomic Cut Elimination for Classical Logic.
29.7-1.8Lutz participates in the WoLLIC 2003 conference (Ouro Preto) and talks about System NEL Is Undecidable.
24.7Lutz successfully defends his PhD thesis Linear Logic and Noncommutativity in the Calculus of Structures and he gets the grade `summa cum laude´ (the highest possible).
23-25.7François Lamarche (Loria & INRIA-Lorraine, Nancy) visits us.
9.7Kai visits Gerhard Brewka in Leipzig and gives a talk about Deep Inference and Symmetry in Classical Proofs.
23.6-4.7We organise a Summer School and Workshop on Proof Theory, Computation and Complexity; the following guests visit us and participate as indicated:
In addition:
16-18.4Kai visits Gerhard Jäger in Bern and gives a talk about Deep Inference and Symmetry in Classical Proofs.
17-20.3Jim Lipton (Wesleyan, USA) visits us and talks about Cut Elimination and Completeness of Higher Order Intuitionistic Logic.
6-7.3Alessio visits Giorgio Levi in Pisa and gives a talk about Deep Inference.
14-17.2Charles participates in the Foundations of the Formal Sciences IV conference (Bonn) and talks about Conceptual Harmony and the Semantics of Programming Languages.
9.2Ozan Kahramanogullari joins the group as a PhD student, supervised by Steffen and Gerhard Brewka.
5-9.2Kai visits Stefano Guerrini in Roma and gives a talk about Atomic Cut Elimination for Classical Logic.
29.1Heinrich Wansing (TU Dresden) visits us for a discussion about deep inference, display calculus and modal logic.
15-21.1Lutz visits François Lamarche in Nancy and gives a talk about The Calculus of Structures.
11-13.12Lutz and Paola participate in the 17. WLP - Workshop Logische Programmierung (Dresden) with two talks: Linear Logic and Non-commutativity in the Calculus of Structures and A Purely Logical Account of Sequentiality in Proof Search.
4-12.12Kai visits Giorgio Levi in Pisa and Simone Martini in Bologna and gives talks about Classical Logic in the Calculus of Structures.
16-20.11Charles visits Luke Ong in Oxford and Thomas Forster in Cambridge.
11.11Phiniki Stouppa joins the group as a MSc student, supervised by Charles.
14-18.10Lutz participates in the LPAR 2002 conference (Tbilisi) with two talks: A Non-commutative Extension of MELL and A Local System for Linear Logic.
25.8-15.9Charles visits Harry Mairson at Brandeis University (Boston).
5-16.8Kai participates in the ESSLI 2002 school (Trento).
29.7-1.8Paola participates in the ICLP 2002 conference (Copenhagen) and talks about A Purely Logical Account of Sequentiality in Proof Search.
23-30.7Kai visits Michel Parigot at Paris 7.
15.7Charles Stewart joins the group as a researcher.
8-13.6Michel Parigot (Paris 7) visits us.
7.6-31.7Alwen Tiu (Penn State) visits us.
3-14.6We organise a Workshop on Proof Theory and Computation; the following guests visit us and participate as indicated:
In addition:
8-9.4Alessio, Kai and Lutz participate in the Proof, Computation, Complexity workshop (Tübingen) with two talks: The Calculus of Structures and A Local System for Linear Logic.
[CL, GK]
1-8.3Kai participates in the Interdisziplinäres Kolleg 2002 school (Günne).
28.1-8.2Lutz participates in the Logic & Interaction Weeks meeting (Marseille).
13.11Philippe de Groote talks about Abstract Categorial Grammars.
11-30.11Philippe de Groote (INRIA Lorraine, Nancy) visits us and teaches Introduction to Typed Lambda Calculus and Proof Theory.
3-7.12Kai participates in the LPAR 2001 conference (La Habana) and talks about A Local System for Classical Logic.
6-9.11Charles Stewart (TU Berlin) visits us and talks about Logics, Graphs and the Lambda Calculus.
25.9Alwen talks at the Penn State Logic Seminar about A Logical System That Challenges Sequent Calculus.
10-13.9Lutz participates in the CSL 2001 conference (Paris) and talks about Non-commutativity and MELL in the Calculus of Structures.
13.8-24.8Lutz participates in the 13th European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information (ESSLLI 2001) (Helsinki).
1.8Alwen successfully defends his MSc thesis Properties of a Logical System in the Calculus of Structures and he gets the grade 1.0 (the highest possible); he then joins Penn State University as a PhD student, supervised by Dale Miller.
24.7-5.8Kai participates in the Marktoberdorf Summer School 2001 and talks about Atomic Contraction.
31.5-3.6Yves Lafont (Marseille) visits us and talks about The Paradigm of Interaction.
30.5-3.6Birgit Elbl (Universität der Bundeswehr München) visits us and talks about A Class of Substructural Calculi with Context-dependent Rules: Application and Proof-theoretic Properties.
28.5Lutz visits Maurizio Martelli in Genova and gives a talk about MELL in the Calculus of Structures.
21.5-26.5Lutz participates in the 6th International Summer School on Distributed Computing (Isola d'Elba, Italy).
18.5Lutz visits Giorgio Levi in Pisa and gives a talk about MELL in the Calculus of Structures.
2.5Achim Jung talks about Denotational Semantics with Relational Models.
23.4-4.5Achim Jung (Birmingham) visits us and teaches Domain Theory and Applications.
16-19.4Giorgio Levi (Pisa) visits us and talks about A Systematic Approach to Program Analysis and Verification.
5-9.2Kai and Lutz participate in the Spezifikation Diskreter Prozesse und Prozesssysteme Durch Operationelle Modelle und Logiken workshop (Reinhardtsdorf) and give two talks about Classical Logic in the Calculus of Structures and Sequent Calculus for MELL.
8.12We organise a Workshop in Proof Theory; talks:
7-9.12Charles Stewart (Boston and Brandeis Universities) visits us.
6-8.12Didier Galmiche (LORIA, Nancy) visits us.
29.11-3.12Dale Miller (Penn State) visits us and talks about Encoding Transition Systems in Sequent Calculus.
12.11-17.12Roy Dyckhoff (St Andrews) visits us and teaches Structural Proof Theory.
1.11Kai Brünnler joins the group as a PhD student, supervised by Alessio.
30.8-7.9Alwen, Kai Brünnler and Lutz participate in the Linear International Summer School (Linear Logic and Applications) (S. Miguel, Azores).
30.8Alwen Tiu joins the group as a MSc student, supervised by Alessio.
1.7Lutz Straßburger joins the group as a PhD student, supervised by Alessio.
26-27.4Alessio visits Wolfgang Bibel at TU Darmstadt and talks about A Calculus of Order and Interaction.
27.3-2.4Pietro Di Gianantonio (Udine) visits us and talks about A Golden Ratio Notation for the Real Numbers.
14.3Charles Stewart (Boston and Brandeis Universities) visits us and talks about Interaction Nets: A Bridge from Theory to Practice.
22.6Jim Lipton talks about Categories and Logic Programming.
21.6-7.7Jim Lipton (Wesleyan, USA) visits us and teaches Modelling and Using Logic Programming Extensions.
27-28.5 Alessio and Paola participate in the Logik in der Informatik workshop (TU Dresden) and talk about A Calculus of Order and Interaction and Proof Search and Non-determinism in First Order Linear Logic.
14-15.12Alessandro Provetti (Milano) visits us and talks about The Stable Models of Unstratified Programs.
24.11Giorgio Levi talks about From Denotational Semantics to Compiled Code.
23.11-4.12Giorgio Levi (Pisa) visits us and teaches Abstraction in Logic Programming.
Events are financed by:
[CGIL]Consolato Generale d'Italia - Lipsia/Italienisches Generalkonsulat in Leipzig
[CL]International Masters Programme in Computational Logic
[DAAD]Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst
[GK]Graduiertenkolleg 334 Spezifikation Diskreter Prozesse und Prozesssysteme Durch Operationelle Modelle und Logiken
[HWP]Sächsische Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kunst Programme HWP
[IQN]International Quality Network Rational Mobile Agents and Systems of Agents
Exclusive grant:
[Proc]DAAD grant Procope Structures and Deductions, for scientific exchanges with INRIA's group Calligramme, in 2003 and 2004 (total amount for our group 7400 EUR, Calligramme has separate funding)
10.8.2005Alessio Guglielmi