A fast solver for nonnegative least squares problems based on Flexible Krylov subspaces

NNFCGLS is described in details in the following paper:
FAST NONNEGATIVE LEAST SQUARES THROUGH FLEXIBLE KRYLOV SUBSPACES, which I coauthored with Yves Wiaux, and is published in the SIAM Journal of Scientific Computing, 39(2), A655--A679 (2017).

The software for NNFCGLS was developed using MATLAB version 8.1. The software may be obtained from: Note that the current software for NNFCGLS makes use of some tools in the MATLAB's Image Processing Toolbox.

When you download the above folder, you will find several scripts (called demo_XXX.m) that illustrate how to use the codes on different test problems. These script reproduce the tests reported in the reference listed above.

I wish to thank Per Christian Hansen for allowing me to include in the NNFCGLS software some functions from his MATLAB toolbox AIR Tools. I wish to thank James Nagy for allowing me to include in the NNFCGLS software some functions from his MATLAB toolbox Restore Tools.