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Cancer Diagnostics: Parallel Sensing of Prostate Cancer Biomarkers


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“The production and application of antibodies and their use in biosensors and arrays”

Dublin City University, 2-3 July 2013


You are cordially invited to attend a PROSENSE workshop entitled “The production and application of antibodies and their use in biosensors and arrays” which is hosted by Dublin City University (DCU) and will run for 2 days, commencing on July 2nd 2013.

This workshop has been designed to provide you with a detailed overview of the production and application of polyclonal, monoclonal and recombinant antibodies.  A detailed examination of current technologies used for antibody selection, isolation and characterisation and the use of the surface plasmon resonance based system (Biacore) will be included.   In addition, we will cover the use of antibodies in the detection of prostate cancer as well as immunosensor based technologies.

There will be a question & answer session which will include case-study discussions outlining potential issues and their solutions.  Practical sessions covering aspects of the programme, such as the use of the Biacore system, and antibody screening will also play a big part.

Registration for the full workshop is €100 (student rate €75).  This will allow you access to all presentations outlined in the programme, daily catering and attendance at the workshop dinner on day 2.








DRAFT Schedule



Day 1: Tuesday 2nd July, 2013


10.00 – 10.30                Registration / coffee


10.30 – 10.40                Introduction – Prof. Richard O’Kennedy (DCU)


10.40 – 10.50                IntroductionDr. Pedro Estrela, Co-ordinator PROSENSE


10.50 – 11.20                Interactive coffee break


11.20 – 12.05                Lecture #1: Basics of Antibodies and their applications. Presented by Prof. Richard O’Kennedy (DCU)


12.05 – 13.05                Lecture #2: Generation of antibodies – monoclonal and recombinant. Presented by Dr. Jenny Fitzgerald and Dr. Caroline Murphy (DCU)


13.05 – 14.00                Lunch (Poster Session)


14.00 – 14.45                Lecture #3: Automating the antibody discovery process by combining novel drug discovery technology with high throughput SPR-based biosensing.  Presented by Dr. Paul Leonard (DCU)


14.45 – 15.30                Lecture #4: Antibody responses in cancer; exploiting their diagnostic and prognostic potential. Presented by Dr. Gregor Kijanka (DCU)


15.30 – 16.00                Interactive coffee break


16.00 – 16.45                Lecture #5: Antibody Immobilisation; some problems and solutions.  Presented by Prof. Richard O’Kennedy (DCU)


16.45 – 17.45                Lecture #6: Biacore and its applications. Presenter TBC



Day 2: Wednesday 3rd July 2013


09.00 – 10.30                Practical Session I


10.30 – 11.00                Interactive coffee session 


11.00 – 12.30                Practical Session II


12.30 – 13.30                Lunch (Poster session)


13.30 – 15.00                Practical Session III


15.00 – 15.30                Interactive coffee session


15.30 – 17.00                Presentations by Marie Curie Fellows – PRIVATE SESSION (PROSENSE ONLY)


17.00 – 18.00                PROSENSE Team Building Session – PRIVATE SESSION (PROSENSE ONLY)


18.30                            Workshop Dinner - 1838 Restaurant, DCU