Wild Margins playing at work and life

Chris Seeley

PhD dissertation

Centre for Action Research in Professional Practice

University of Bath

Attention is drawn to the fact that copyright of this thesis rests with the author. The thesis is made available on the condition that anyone who consults it is understood to recognize that copyright rests with the author and that no quotation from the thesis and no information derived from it may be made without the prior written consent of the author

Abstract - pdf (16kb)

Preface - pdf (210kb)

Interlude: Achilles - pdf (5019kb)

Have fun, shit! - pdf (62kb)

Expressions of Energy - an epistemology of presentational knowing - pdf (1248kb)

Interlude: Glimpsing a Goethean way of seeing - pdf (985kb)

Uncharted Territory - inquiry and presentational knowing - pdf (2757kb)

Trusting the Mapmaker - validity and presentational knowing, part one - pdf (136kb)

Do you want to improve the world? - learning with the lowers - pdf (1942kb)

Interlude: City Dump Slum - pdf (144kb)

A Pedagogy of the Privileged - learning with the uppers - pdf (4949kb)

Interlude: Yearning - pdf (37kb)

Trusting the Mapmaker - validity and presentational knowing, part two - pdf (38kb)

Serious Play - glimpses of that other field - pdf (1530kb)

Prologue coming through the undergrowth - pdf (114kb)

Bibliography - pdf (56kb)

Doogie - pdf (51kb)

Dream Faculty - pdf (544kb)




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