Department of Politics, Languages
& International Studies, The University
of Bath
Dr Steve Wharton: Research Interests
My principal
research interests are:
- Propaganda and Persuasion: Politics, Visual Identity
and How to Sell Them.
Abstract of my
paper to the Conference of the Society for French Studies, University
of Cork, July 2018
of my paper to the “Vichy and the Everyday” Conference, University of
Warwick, 21 March 2016
Includes French documentary as propaganda during the German occupation:
see here for
details of my book, Screening
- Translation: subtitling and audio description
- Aspects of Romanticism
Includes the European
Romanticisms in Association and its REVE project: see article on Beckford’s
Moorish Summerhouse, and
Transculturalism and Transliterary manifestations
- Homosexuality, Identity and Activism in Britain and
Abstract of my paper
for the QP7 Conference, Grand Cayman, 11-12 June 2016
See my November 2007 article, « Mais la loi ne fait pas tout:
l'homophobie dans la France contemporaine » in Les Cahiers du
- The Pink Economy
Dr Steve
Wharton, Department of Politics,
Languages & International Studies, The
University of Bath, Bath BA2 7AY, UK
Page last updated 10 June 2021 by SW
(c) 2021 in Dr Steve Wharton