Matt Roberts

I am a Royal Society University Research Fellow and Professor of Probability, and Director of Prob-L@B in the Department of Mathematical Sciences at the University of Bath. I am interested in branching processes, random graphs, noise sensitivity, the parabolic Anderson model, mixing times, Brownian motion, random walks, fragmentation processes, percolation, and martingales.

I am also chair of the department's Equality and Diversity Committee. In Feb 2025 our department was awarded a Gold Athena Swan award.

My email address is mattiroberts {at}

Interplay between geometry and randomness in fitness landscapes for expanding populations (EPSRC)
Sample paths asymptotics and applications to branching structures (Royal Society University Research Fellowship extension)
Reimagining recruitment (EPSRC Inclusion Matters)
Component sizes of random graphs and noise sensitivity (Royal Society)
Spatial fragmentations (EPSRC)
Royal Society University Research Fellowship
EPSRC postdoctoral fellowship.

PhD students:
Sam Johnston (graduated 2017), currently Lecturer in Probability at King's College London.
Alice Callegaro (graduated 2021), currently postdoc at TU Munich.
Martin Prigent (graduated 2021), working in finance.
Umberto De Ambroggio (graduated 2022), currently postdoc at National University of Singapore.
Zsófia Talyigás (graduated 2022), currently postdoc at University of Vienna.
Diana De Armas Bellon (SAMBa, started 2023).

Eleanor Archer (Jul-Oct 2020), LMS Early Career Fellow, now Assistant Professor at Université Paris-Dauphine.
Umberto De Ambroggio (Mar-Sep 2022), EPSRC Prize postdoc, now postdoc at National University of Singapore.
Apolline Louvet (Sep 2022 - Nov 2023), Royal Society postdoc, now researcher at INRAE Avignon.
Vianney Brouard (Oct 2024 - Oct 2027), EPSRC postdoc.
Frankie Higgs (March - Nov 2025), Royal Society postdoc.