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This can be done by picking all $s$ people (in $n \choose s$ ways) and then picking the special person from these (in $s$ ways). Or by first picking the special person (in $n$ ways) and then picking the rest (in $n-1 \choose s-1$ ways). \item ${n\choose r}{r \choose k} = {n \choose k}{n-k \choose r-k}$ This is just a generalisation of the previous one: From a choice of $n$ people we will pick $r$ with $k$ of them special. \item $\sum_{i=0}^n {n\choose i}{n\choose n-i} = {2n \choose n} = \sum_{i=0}^n {n \choose i}^2$ Imagine picking $n$ people from a choice of $n$ men and $n$ women. We can either pick $i$ men and $n-i$ women (and sum) which gives the LHS. Or we can pick $i$ men and then pick $i$ women who won't be in the group which gives the RHS. In total we are picking $n$ people from a choice of $2n$ which is the middle term. \item ${n \choose s} = {n \over n-s} {n-1 \choose s}$ We choose a group of $s$ people from a choice of $n$ and then a special person from the unselected people. We do this by choosing the $s$ people (in $n \choose s$ ways) and then the extra person (in $n-s$ ways). Or by picking the extra person first (in $n$ ways) and then the group (in $n-1 \choose s$) ways. \item ${n\choose 0} + {n\choose 2} + \cdots = {n\choose 1} + {n\choose 3} + \cdots$ The LHS is the number of even subsets of $n$ elements and the RHS is the number of odd subsets of $n$ elements. A bijection between them can be given as follows. If an even subset contains the element $1$ then remove it, if not add it. \item ${n\choose 0} + {n+1 \choose 1} + {n+2 \choose 2} + \cdots + {n+r \choose r} = {n+r+1 \choose r}$ The RHS is the number of ways to choose $r$ objects from $n+r+1$ objects. The LHS is the number of ways to do this if we assume $1$ is not in the choice, $1$ is in but $2$ isn't, $1,2$ are in but $3$ isn't, ... \end{enumerate} \item {\it The following game is played on the integer points $(x,y)$ in the plane with $x$,$y\ge 0$. Initially, pieces are placed at $(0,0)$, $(1,0)$ and $(0,1)$. The following move is allowed: if the square above and to the right of a piece are empty they can be filled with pieces and the original piece removed. Is it possible for the initially occupied squares to all be simultaneously unoccupied?} To the point $(a,b)$ assign the weight $2^{-a-b}$. Initially the weighted sum of the occupied squares is $2$. It is easy to see that the allowed move does not change the sum. If the initial squares are unoccupied then, in order to get the sum to be $2$ we need to occupy all the other squares. This is clearly impossible in a finite number of moves. \item {\it Show that there are either infinitely many composite numbers in the sequence $2^{2^n}+1$ or infinitely many composite numbers in $6^{2^n}+1$ (or both).} Suppose that there are infinitely many primes in the $2^{2^n}+1$ sequence. We need to show that there are lots of composites in the other sequence. Let $p = 2^{2^n}+1$ be a prime. The {\bf order} of an element $m$ modulo $p$ is the smallest power to which $m$ can be raised to get $1$ modulo $p$. In other words $$m^{\ord(m)} \equiv 1 \mod p$$ By Fermat's little theorem we can see that the order of an element must divide $p-1$. In our case this means that the order of $6$ modulo $p$ must be a power of $2$, say $2^m$. Thus $$6^{2^m} \equiv 1 \mod p \quad\hbox{ but }\quad 6^{2^{m-1}} \not\equiv 1 \mod p$$ Thus, $6^{2^{m-1}} \equiv -1 \mod p$ and so $6^{2^{m-1}} + 1$ is divisible by $p$ (and clearly not equal to $p$) and hence is not a prime. For larger and larger $n$ this gives an infinite number of composites in the $6^{2^m} + 1$ sequence. {\bf Quadratic Reciprocity.} There is a slightly easier way to do this question which uses a very beautiful theorem of number theory. As it is both very pretty and very useful I'll explain the basics here. The {\bf Legendre symbol} $\( a \over p \)$ for $p$ a prime and $(a,p)=1$ is defined to be $1$ if $x^2 \equiv a \mod p$ has a solution and $-1$ if it doesn't. In other words, the Legendre symbol answers the questions ``does $a$ have a square root?''. There are two very basic properties the symbol has: $$\({ab \over p}\) = \({a \over p}\)\({b \over p}\) \quad\hbox{ and }\quad \({a+p \over p}\) = \({a \over p}\)$$ Less obvious are the following two properties $$\({a \over p}\) \equiv a^{(p-1)/2} \mod p \hbox{ (for odd $p$)},\quad \({2 \over p}\) = \begin{cases} 1 & \hbox{if $p\equiv \pm 1 \mod 8$} \\ -1 & \hbox{if $p\equiv \pm 3 \mod 8$} \end{cases}$$ And finally, the law of quadratic reciprocity (for 203 different proofs go to {\tt http://www.rzuser.uni-heidelberg.de/\~{}hb3/fchrono.html}) $$\({p \over q}\)\({q \over p}\) = \begin{cases} 1 & \hbox{if $p\equiv 1 \mod 4$ or $q\equiv 1 \mod 4$} \\ -1 & \hbox{if $p\equiv q\equiv 3 \mod 4$} \end{cases}$$ This law is remarkably useful because it allows you to see if something has a square root quite easily (repeatedly use quadratic reciprocity and the multiplicative property). For example, can you use it to show that if $p=2^{2^n}+1$ then $6$ does not have a square root (for $n\ge 1$)? If you can then we know $$6^{(p-1)/2} \equiv -1 \mod p$$ And so we can finish as in the first method. Notice that this way we know the exact value of $m$ whereas we didn't with the first method. \item {\it Find a simple formula for the sum $\sum_{k=1}^n {n \choose k} k^2$.} This represents picking a committee from $n$ people with $2$ special posts (which can be filled by the same person). So, we should try to count this in a different way (which doesn't involve summing). If the two posts are filled by the same person we could choose this person (in $n$ ways) and then pick the rest of the committee (in $2^{n-1}$ ways --- a person is either in or out). If the two posts are filled by different people we could choose them (in $n(n-1)$ ways) and then pick the rest of the committee (in $2^{n-2}$ ways). Adding these gives the answer $n(n+1)2^{n-2}$. \item {\it Let $f(n)$ be a function defined on the set of positive integers which takes values in the positive integers. Prove that if $$f(n+1) > f(f(n))$$ for each positive integer $n$ then $f(n)=n$.} $f$ has a unique minimum at $n=1$ because, if $n>1$ then we have $f(n) > f(f(n-1))$. Once we know this, the same equation then shows that the second smallest value is $f(2)$. By induction we get $$f(1) < f(2) < f(3) < \cdots$$ As $f$ takes values in the positive integers we already have $f(n) \ge n$. Suppose we have a $k$ such that $f(k)\ge k+1$. Then $f(f(k)) \ge f(k+1)$ which contradicts the assumed inequality for $f$. So $f(n)=n$ for all $n$. \item {\it Show that $n^7 - 77$ is never a Fibonacci number.} We want to look at this modulo $p$ for some well chosen $p$. Because of the exponent being $7$ a good idea would be to have $\phi(p)$ divisible by $7$, so $p=29$ is perhaps a good choice. We also want the Fibonacci sequence to not take on too many values modulo $p$. This also happens for $p=29$: $$0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,-8,5,-3,2,-1,1,0,\dots$$ Modulo $29$ the seventh powers are just $0,\pm 1, \pm 12$. So the values that $n^7-77$ takes are $-7,-2,9,10,11$. None of these are in the Fibonacci sequence so we are done. \end{enumerate} \end{document}