Call for questions for the Kourovka Notebook

Dear colleagues,

We begin the preparation of the new 14th edition of the "Kourovka Notebook", a collection of unsolved problems in Group Theory and related areas. This serial is published (in English) regularly in Novosibirsk, Russia; each edition includes comments on the problems solved and an additional section of new problems. (See some more information below.)

This is to invite you to propose new problems to be included in the 14th edition. We plan to finish collecting new problems by the end of the summer, so that the book could appear out of press by the end of the year.

Problems appear signed by those who propose them; another source or relevant references can also be indicated if appropriate, or simply that this is a "well-known problem". Concrete questions that admit answers "yes" or "no" are preferable.

Send the problems to any of the editors (preferably by e-mail):

E.I. Khukhro                    or     V.D. Mazurov
School of Mathematics                  Institute of Mathematics
Cardiff University                     SO RAN
Senghennydd Road                       Novosibirsk-90
Cardiff, CF2 4YH, U.K.                 630090 Russia

Our email addresses are and

(Meanwhile, the books of the 13th edition are still available from E.I. Khukhro (see address above), for £8 (or equivalent) per copy, including postage and packing. (If paying by cheques in other currencies: 13 dollars, or 22 DM, per copy, plus 6 dollars or 10 DM per cheque to cover a banking charge).

More information on the Kourovka Notebook

This collection of unsolved problems in Group Theory and related areas (now about 800 problems) is published regularly, every 2-3 years, starting from 1965. Each new edition is supplemented with new problems and brief comments on the solved problems from the previous editions.

The level of the problems varies from a Ph.D. thesis to long-standing well-known problems. Among the authors there are many prominent group-theorists from all over the world.

Some of the problems are quickly answered, due to the fact, that they are read by specialists from other fields in Group Theory; others wait for substantial breakthroughs for many years. (Of course, it is often easier to propose two problems, than to solve one.) It is interesting to follow the progress in Group Theory, as more and more of the problems in Kourovka Notebook become solved. For example, now about 3/4 of the problems from the first edition (1965) have been solved!

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