Introduction to Multivariate Analysis by Chris Chatfield and Alec Collins

  • A popular text on Multivariate Analysis. Can be used as a text for a course on multivariate analysis for advanced undergraduate or graduate statistics students.

  • Originally published by Chapman & Hall in 1980. Corrected reprints in 1983 and 1989. A revised edition published by Chapman & Hall/CRC Press in 2000. Total sales exceed 11,000.
  • ISBN is 1-412-16040-4.
  • 246 pages.

  • This book provides an introduction to the analysis of multivariate data. It covers multivariate probability distributions, the preliminary analysis of a large-scale data set, principal component and factor analysis, traditional normal theory material, such as discriminant analysis and canonical correlations, as well as multidimensional scaling and cluster analysis.
  • The book may be ordered from CRC Press as follows:
  • In America, Asia and Australasia, send an email to or telephone 1-800-272-7737 in USA or 1-561-994-0555 from outside USA.
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