Analysis Group -
Science & Engineering Department
6th Annual Bath - RAL
Numerical Analysis Day
Tuesday, 25th
September 2007
The Atlas Centre
(R27, Conference Room 8)
Rutherford Appleton
Chilton, Oxfordshire,
10.15 am PhD student poster session (continues all day)
Posters by (to be update)
10.30 am Coffee
10.50 am Wolf-Juergen Beyn (University of Bielefeld)
"The method of freezing spatio-temporal patterns of PDE's"
11.35 am Chris Budd (Bath)
" (to be communicated) "
12.15 pm Sue Dollar (RAL)
"Iterative solution of PDE-constrained optimization problems"
12.55 pm Lunch
2.20 pm Alastair Spence (Bath)
"Inexact Inverse Iteration with Preconditioning"
3.00 pm Nick Gould (RAL)
"Adaptive cubic over-estimation methods for unconstrained
3.40 pm Tea
4.00 pm Daniel Loghin (Birmingham)
"Matrix Square-Roots with Applications"
5.00 pm Poster session concludes
6.00 pm Meet for informal pub meal near RAL
There is no attendance fee, but we would be grateful if attendees
could let Mario
Arioli informed in advance so that we can arrange sufficient tea
and coffee. Please, feel free to contact Mario if you require further
For details of how to get to the Atlas Centre, please consult the map
provided by STFC.