Asymptotics, Operators, and Functionals
Speaking in 2025:
10 February (Start time: 16:15) Luis Silva (IIMAS-UNAM) Title: Spectral analysis of infinite Marchenko-Slavin matrices. Abstract: In this talk we deal with the problem of spectral characterization of a class of infinite matrices arising from the modeling of small oscillations in a system of interacting particles. The class of matrices under discussion corresponds to the infinite Marchenko-Slavin class. The spectral functions of these matrices are completely characterized and an algorithm is provided for the reconstruction of the matrix from its spectral function. The techniques used in this work are based on recent results for the spectral characterization of infinite band symmetric matrices with so-called degenerations.
24 March Uzy Smilansky (Weizmann) Title: Graph theory and scrambling of quantum information Abstract: The introduction of quantum computing brought with it the need to adopt classical and well-founded concepts from information theory to the quantum mechnical world. In particular, concepts like information scrambling, chaos and its measure in terms of Lyapunov exponents had to be reformulated to coexist with tenets of quantum theory such as Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, while complying with Bohr's correspondence principle. I will try to show how a new approach based on many results and concepts from graph theory is able to offer a solution to the above mentioned difficulties. This is a joint project with Sven Gnutzmann (Nottingham).
31 March Elena Cherkaev (Utah)
22 September Ludmila Prikazchikova (Keele)