6.5 Two dimensional structures

Fraction commands: display style in text style – \dfrac{1}{2}, $\dfrac {1}{2}$ – and specialist commands can be used subject to notes on continued fractions elsewhere in the document.

\binom{n}{k} \quad \tbinom{n}{k} 
\tfrac{1}{2} \quad
a + \cfrac{1}{b + \cfrac{1}{c + \cfrac{1}{d + \cfrac{1}
{e + \cfrac{1}{f + \cfrac{1}{g + \cfrac{1}{h}}}}}}}
\begin{equation} \binom {n}{k} \quad \tbinom {n}{k} \end{equation}\begin{equation} \tfrac {1}{2} \quad a + \cfrac {1}{b + \cfrac {1}{c + \cfrac {1}{d + \cfrac {1} {e + \cfrac {1}{f + \cfrac {1}{g + \cfrac {1}{h}}}}}}} \end{equation}

Matrices can be displayed in text via

$\left(\begin{smallmatrix} a & b & c \\ d & e & f

and will look like $\left(\begin{smallmatrix} a & b & c \\ d & e & f \end{smallmatrix}\right)$ or in display mode with 6 different commands.

In the below you must include the ampersands of an eqnarray, as mentioned in the appropriate section, to prevent problems in the transformation to office documents.

&&\begin{matrix} r & s & t \\ u & v & w \\ x & y & x
\begin{pmatrix} r & s & t \\ u & v & w \\ x & y & x
\begin{bmatrix} r & s & t \\ u & v & w \\ x & y & x
&&\begin{Bmatrix} r & s & t \\ u & v & w \\ x & y & x
\begin{vmatrix} r & s & t \\ u & v & w \\ x & y & x
\begin{Vmatrix} r & s & t \\ u & v & w \\ x & y & x
\begin{eqnarray*} & & \begin{matrix} r & s & t \\ u & v & w \\ x & y & x \end{matrix}\quad \begin{pmatrix} r & s & t \\ u & v & w \\ x & y & x \end{pmatrix}\quad \begin{bmatrix} r & s & t \\ u & v & w \\ x & y & x \end{bmatrix}\\ & & \begin{Bmatrix} r & s & t \\ u & v & w \\ x & y & x \end{Bmatrix}\quad \begin{vmatrix} r & s & t \\ u & v & w \\ x & y & x \end{vmatrix}\quad \begin{Vmatrix} r & s & t \\ u & v & w \\ x & y & x \end{Vmatrix}\quad \end{eqnarray*}