Julien Schmitt

Julien Schmitt was for a while probably the most French person in the ERG. Julien got his PhD on “Self-assembly of mesostructured materials” from the Laboratorie de Physique des Solides, a very French laboratory, in France, a very French country. After finishing his PhD he moved to Lund, Sweden, to investigate “Responsive materials of artificial nacre” as a postdoctoral researcher, where he also stretched the links to the ERG.

During his time in the ERG he worked on the investigation of cellulose-starch interactions for the formation of gels supervised by Karen Edler and Janet Scott.

Julien has now moved on to a permanent position at the CNRS in France, in the Laboratoire de Synthèse et Fonctionnalisation des Céramiques.

Out of the lab, Julien enjoys watching films, literature and complaining about non-French cheese. He is also a constant supply of cheese.