Living on the Edge

It is never to late to take up skating. It is no girly sport at all, but needs power and flexibility.
I took up ice skating in California during my postdoctoral time and it was just the right thing after work to forget about failed reactions in the lab.
I am currently a member of the Bristol Ice Dance Club and the National Ice Skating Association **. I am skating at the test levels: Figure Skating class 8 and Ice Dancing class 6 (German test level) and Preliminary Field Moves (British test level).

Back in Germany it was hard to be taken serious as an adult recreational skater. But nevertheless I managed to take part in show programs or "secret" competitions.

sit spin sit spin in my free program to the music of "Harlem Nocturne"

waltz jump waltz jump in my free program to the music of "Harlem Nocturne"

widnau As a former member of "N'Ice time Berlin", the first recreational adult team of synchronized skating in Germany, I had the opportunity of taking part in an international competition of synchronized skating in Widnau/Switzerland in March 1999.

hot ice My latest competition in October 2000. The "Hot Ice" competition at the Bristol Ice Club where I skated to some samba tunes.

my favourite skating links are:

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